Living in Harmony Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 6 Kerala Syllabus

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Basic Science Class 6 Chapter 6 Living in Harmony Question Answer Notes

Basic Science Class 6 Chapter 6 Question Answer Notes Living in Harmony

Living in Harmony Class 6 Notes Questions and Answers

Let Us Assess

Question 1.
Ruby tabulated the various factors in a pond as follows.
Living in Harmony Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 6 Kerala Syllabus Img 1
• Are there only suitable ones in each group? Which are the unsuitable ones?
• Explain the interdependene of the various factors in this ecosystem.
i) No, The unsuitable ones are,
Producers – small fish
Decomposers – small fish

ii) All organism in an ecosystem depnd upon each other. If the population of one organism rises or falls, then this can affect the rest of the ecosystem. Producers prepare their own food, the consumers depend on producers for food. The decomposers the dead matter of producers and consumers. Producers, consumers and decomposers are all depends on abiotic factors.

Question 2.
Explain how different organisms will be affected if a large mango tree is cut down.
Oranisms that live on the mango tree lose their habitat. Birds, squirrels that depend on mango tree for food face food scarcity. Humans and other animals lose a natural resting place. The atmospheric. Temperature in that area increases.


Question 1.
What is harmony in living?
Living in harmony means living together peacefully rather than fighting or arguing.

Living in Harmony Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 6 Kerala Syllabus

Question 2.
List the organisms present in pond water?
Fishes, green algae, aquatic plants, water snails, worms, freshwater mussels, microorganisms like Protozoa, hydra etc.

Question 3.
What are the factors in ponds which enable the fish to live?
Aquatic plants, water, dissolved oxygen, Sunlight, nutrients, temperature.

Question 4.
What is an aquarium?
An aquarium is a place where fish and other animals that live in water are kept by humans. An aquarium can be a small tank, or a large building with one or more large tanks.

Question 5.
What do you mean by biotic factors and examples?
Biotic factors are living things within an ecosystem
Eg: Plants, animals, bacteria

Question 6.
What are abiotic factors. Give examples?
Abiotic factors are non-living components, eg: Water, soil, air, atmosphere

Question 7.
List Biotic and Abiotic factors?
Biotic factors: Plants, animals, bacteria Abiotic factors : Water, Sunlight, Soil, air

Question 8.
What are the biotic and Abiotic factors found in an aquarium? List them?
Biotic factors : Fishes, Micro organisms, aquatic plants.
Abiotic factors: Air, water, dissolved oxygen sunlight, Soil

Question 9.
What are the factors are missing for the fish in the aquarium?
Aquatic plants and micro organisms

In Unison

Question 1.
Do all organisms depend on the same biotic and abiotic factors?
All organisms depends on the same abiotic factors like water, air, sunlight, soil etc. Plants depends on sunlight and soil. Other organisms need biotic factors apart from abiotic factors.

Question 2.
Which are the biotic and abiotic factors that the crane depends on for its existence?
A crane depends,
Biotic factors : Small organisms, fishes Abiotic factors : Air, sunlight, water and soil

Question 3.
List biotic and abiotic factors the organisms in your surroundings depend on for their existence. Complete the table.
Living in Harmony Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 6 Kerala Syllabus Img 2

Organism Recycling Factors
Biotic Abiotic
a) Fox Rabbit, Hen Air, water, sunlight
b) Worm Plants, leaves Air, water, sunlight
c) Rabbit Carrot, leaves Air, water, sunlight
d) Frog Insects, grass hopper Air, water, sunlight

Question 4.
We need both biotic and abiotic factors for our existence why?
Every Living being depends upon many biotic and abiotic factors for their existence. Both biotic and abiotic factors are related to each other in an ecosystem. If one factor is changed or removed it can affect the entire ecosystem.

Living in Harmony Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 6 Kerala Syllabus

Question 5.
Can we survive without abiotic factors?
No, it is impossible, without abiotic factors.

Question 6.
What is an ecosystem?
The natural surroundings in which an organism lives is called habitat. The biotic and abiotic factor in the surroundings and there mutual relationship together form an ecosystem.

Question 7.
What is a habitat?
The natural surroundings in which an organism lives is called its habital.

Question 8.
Write Example for habitat?
Forest, grassland,desert, freshwater, marine water.

Question 9.
What are the types of habitat?
There are mainly 2 types of habitat. Terrestrial habitat and Aquatic habitat

Question 10.
Write examples for ecosystem?
Aquatic ecosystem, forest, desert, human ecosystem etc.,

Question 11.
Ecosystem is very important why?
The biotic and abiotic factors in the surroundings and their mutual relationship together form an ecosystem. Ecosystem provides habitat to wild plants and animals. It promotes various food chains and food webs. It controls essential ecological processes and promotes live.

Question 12.
What are the peculiarities of healthy ecosystem?
Healthy ecosystem clean our water, purify our air, maintain our soil, regulate the climate, recycle nutrients and provide us with food. Healthy ecosystem are at the foundation of all civilstation and sustain our economies.

Living in Harmony Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 6 Kerala Syllabus

Question 13.
What are the functions of an ecosystem?
Ecosystem regulate all the processes in the environment.
Ecosystem supports the organisms that present in the environment.

Question 14.
The biggest Ecosystem is ………..?

Question 15.
How an Ecosystem affect human life?
Ecosystem produce the air we breathe, filter the water we drink and recycle the nutrients that allow all things to grow.

Question 16.
The smallest Ecosystem is ………..?
Fresh water Ecosystem

Question 17.
Write down the Ecosystems in your locality?
Sacred groves, paddy fields, forest, lake, hills

Question 18.
Aruna wants to visit Ecosystems in her locality what all planning must be done by Aruna? How can she record her observation?
The plannings are,
Fix the venue and time, seek help from experts, list of biotic and abiotic factors. Writing pad, pen. She can record her observation through, table, illustrations, flow chart etc.,

Question 19.
“As it was noon the bottom of the pond could be seen clearly. We watched with interest various kinds of fishes swimming in water. It was interesting to watch a school of fish swimming along together. How many factors are there in the pond. Water, sand, stone, air, algao, water plants, fish, frog and water snake are some of therm. The given paragraph is an observation note of Ammu when she was visited and ecosystem. Find out the biotic and abiotic factors from this note.
Biotic factors : Fishes, Algae, water plants, frog, water snake _
Abiotic factors: Water, sand, stone, air


Question 1.
What are the things that the frog feeds on?
A frog feeds on grasshopper, insects, slugs and worms.

Question 2.
From where does the grasshopper obtain its food?
Grasshopper obtained its food from grass

Question 3.
Write down the food relationship of below given organisms?
Grasshopper, watersnake, frog, grass
Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → Watersnake

Question 4.
Complete the below given food relations
a) Grass → ………. → Lion
b)………. → Grasshopper → ………. → Snake
c) ………… → Worm → Fowl → ………..
d)………. → ………….. → ……….. → …………
a) Grass → Deer → Lion
b) Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake
c) Grass → Worm → Fowl → Fox
d) Grass → Rabbit → Fox → Lion

Living in Harmony Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 6 Kerala Syllabus

Question 5.
The initial level of food chain was occupied by ……….?
Green plants

Question 6.
Which organisms occupy the top level in the food chains?
The top level in the food chain occupied by carnivores.

Question 7.
Which organisms occupy the intermediate level in the food chain
The intermediate level in the food chaii> occupied by herbivores or omnivores.

Question 8.
What is a food chain?
Food chain is a series of organisms each depend on the next as a source of food. Each link in this chain is food for the next link.

Question 9.
Why food chain is important?
Food chain is a series of organisms each dependent on the next as a source of food.

  • Food chain shows how energy is transferred from one living organism to another via food.
  • Food chain show the intricate relationship in ecosystem
  • Food chain reveal how each organism depends on someone else for survival
  • Food chain explains the path of energy flow inside an ecosystem.

Question 10.
The main source of food in a food chain is …………?

How many food relations

Many food chains joined together to form the food web-in nature we can see mary food webs.

Question 1.
Define food web?
Many food chains joined together to form food web.

Question 2.
Prepare a food web by including organisms you familiar with ?
Living in Harmony Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 6 Kerala Syllabus Img 3

Question 3.
How many food chains possible with a food web?
More than one

Question 4.
What is the importance of a food web?
The fundamental purpose of a food web is to describe feeding relationship among species in a community.
Food web show how living things are dependent on one another,

Question 5.
Write down the advantages of a food web?
The advantages are
→ Members of higher tropic level can feed upon many organism of the lower tropic level of other food chains.
→ Presence of a complex food web increases the stabilite of the ecosystem.
→ It has tropic levels of different species.

Question 6.
What is the meaning of trophic level of an organism?
Trophic level of an organism is the position it occupies in a food web.

Question 7.
Is a food chain and food web same?
No, food chains joined together to get a food web.

Living in Harmony Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 6 Kerala Syllabus

Question 8.
Can you write the difference between food chain and food web?

Food Chain Food Web
It is the outlines who eats whom It is all of the food chains in an ecosystem
It only follows jus one path as animals find food It shows the many different paths plants and animals are connected.
It shows only one path of energy in an ecosystem. It shows multiple path of energy in an ecosystem

Producers and Consumers

Green plants prepare, their own food. So they are known as producers. Organism that depend on other organisms for their food are called consumers

Question 1.
What do you mean by producers?
Green plants prepare their own food. So they are called producers.

Question 2.
Producers are also called ……….?

Question 3.
What is an autotroph?
An autotroph is an organism that can produce its own food using light, water, carbon dioxide. They are called producers.

Question 4.
Examples for Producers?
Trees, grass, Algae, Cyanobacteria.

Question 5.
The first level of food chain is occupied by green plants, why?
The first level of food chain is occupied by the green plants because they prepare their own food by photosynthesis using sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. So they are producers. Other organism depend on producers for food.

Question 6.
Do lion and tiger depend on plants for food?
Lion and tiger depends herbivores for their food. These herbivores depends plants for their food. There for we can say that lion and tiger indirectly depends on plants for food.

Question 7.
Do all the organisms depends on green plants for food?
Yes, All the organisms directly, or indirectly depends on green plants for food.

Question 8.
What do you mean by consumers?
Organisms that depend on other organisms for their food are called consumers.

Question 9.
Consumers are also called ………… ?

Question 10.
What do you mean by heterotrophs?
A heterotroph is an organism that cannot produce its own food.

Question 11.
What are the different types of consumers?
There are three types of consumers : Herbivores, Omnivores, Carnivores

Question 12.
Explain the types of consumers with examples?
There are three types of consumers, they are
i) Herbivores: Organisms or animals that eat only plants. eg: Deer, goat

ii) Omnivores : They are diverse group of animals. An animal or person that eats a variety of food of both plant and animal or origin, eg: Human, birds, dog

iii) Carnivores: An organism that mostly eats meat, or the flesh of animals, eg: Lion, Tiger

Mixing with the soil

Question 1.
Complete the below given table, by observing taken leaves.
Living in Harmony Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 6 Kerala Syllabus Img 4

Leaf observed Changes in the leaf
A leaf which had tallen one or two days Ago Leaf begins to decay
A leaf which fell several days ago Leaf completely decayed and mixed with the soil

Question 2.
From where the plants absorb nutrients?
Plants absorb nutrients from the soil.

Question 3.
Is plants only need sunlight to prepare food?
No. plants need certain nutrients to prepare food and grow.

Question 4.
What happens to the body parts of plants and animals when they die?
When plants and animals die microorganisms like bacteria and fungi break the organic remains of plants and animals and add them to the soil.

Question 5.
You know plants need nutrients along with sunlight and water to grow and prepare food. How this nutrients are formed?
microorganisms like bacteria and fungi break organic remains of dead plants and animals, and add them to the soil. The nutrients are formed as a result of this decomposition further become available for the growth of plants.

Living in Harmony Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 6 Kerala Syllabus

Question 6.
What do you mean by decomposers?
Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi break organic remains and add them to the soil. They are called decomposers.

Question 7.
Write examples for decomposers?
bacteria and fungi

Question 8.
Write an illustration to show the relationship between producers consumers and decomposers.
Living in Harmony Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 6 Kerala Syllabus Img 5

Question 9.
Explain the relationship among producers, consumers and decomposers?
Green plants absorb Nutrients from the soil and prepare food. The food produced by producers are consumed or used by consumers. The dead remains of producers and consumers are decomposed by decomposers. As a result of decomposition nutrients are formed. This Nutrients are again absorbed by producers. This chain continues.

Question 10.
What is the relationship between decomposers and consumers
Consumers obtain their Nutrients and energy by eating other organism.
Decomposers break down animal remains and waste to get energy.

Question 11.
What is the relationship between a producer and consumer?
The producers provide food for consumers. A producer produce its own food through photosynthesis. A consumer is consumes or eats, this food.

Question 12.
What are the parts of an ecosystem?
The parts of an ecosystem are producers, consumers, decomposers and abiotic factors.

Question 13.
What are the biotic factors of an ecosystem?
The biotic factors are producers, consumers and decomposers.

Question 14.
Decomposers are very important for any ecosystem. Is it true? Why ?
Yes, Decomposers are very important for any ecosystem is they weren’t in the ecosystem, the plants would not get essential nutrients, and dead matter and waste would pileup. Decomposers are essential to breakdown the waste of other organisms.

Question 15.
List the three biotic factors?
Producers, Consumers and decomposers

Question 16.
Write advantages of decomposers?
Decomposers aid in the recycling of nutrients. They make room for a new life in the biosphere by decaying the dead. Decomposers in ecosystem act as environmental cleaners by decaying dead plants and animals.

Question 17.
Can you say the disadvantages of decomposers?
During the life time the decomposers, releases certain chemical substances that can alter the felicity of the soil. The death of decomposers leads to the production of carbon dioxide.

Question 18.
The strongest decomposer is ……….?

When we intervene in nature

Question 1.
What would happen if there is no producers in an ecosystem?
If there were no producers, the food chain would not initiate and all the living species on earth would die. There is no life on earth in the absence of producers.

Living in Harmony Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 6 Kerala Syllabus

Question 2.
Assume that if there are no consumers? What happen to the ecosystem?
Although an ecosystem can exist without consumers. No ecosystem can survive without producers and decomposers producers could survive without consumers because they create there own energy and don’t depend on anything else

Question 3.
Can ecosystem survive without decomposers?
Is there were no decomposers in the ecosystem, then dead plants and animals would remain as such, and their elements would never be returned to soil, air and water.

Question 4.
Many activities of human beings cause destruction to the ecosystem list them?
Levelling of land, Filling of paddy fields, pollution, deforestration, overconsumption, population growth, over exploitation.

Question 5.
Which are the ecosystems destroyed by the activities of human beings like levelling of land, Filling of paddy field etc.,
Rain forests, grasslands, wetlands, ponds, canals hills, farmlands.

Question 6.
What all organism lose their habitats by the destruction of ecosystem?
Grasshopper, frog, snake, insects, birds

Question 7.
Which organisms would face scarcity of food by the destruction of ecosystem by human activities?
Large birds, Snakes

Question 8.
How do the human activities affect the availability of abiotic factors necessary for growth of plants?
Availability of water will decrease soil lose fertility. Availability of nutrients in the soil decreases

Question 9.
How to conserve our ecosystem.
An ecosystem can be conserved by

  • More forests should be preserved
  • Trees should be planted throughout the country, particularly in deforestrated area
  • Wildlife must be protected through legislation and public education
  • Launching a number of proj ects aimed at saving endangered plant and animal species.
  • Ways to use less water.

Question 10.
How can we save our ecosystem?
Create wild space in our garden or community stop using chemicals in our home and garden. Grow our own food and reduce food waste say no to plastic bottles, bags, straws and lids. Avoid plastic – Wrapped fruit and vegetable.

Living in Harmony Class 6 Notes

Living in harmony means living together, peacefully rather fighting or arguing. The common example of harmony in nature is seen when human and animal food waste becomes fertilizer. Both humans and plants benefit each other through balance of the consumption and waste cycle. Eating plant-based food benefits humans by supplying the necessary energy and nutrients.

An ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals and other organisms, as well as weather and landscapes work together to form a bubble of life. Ecosystems contains biotic or living, parts as well as abiotic factors or non¬living parts. Abiotic factors inculde Air, water, sunlight, temperature and humidity. These biotic and abiotic components are linked together through nutrient cycles and energy flows.

Energy enters the system through photosynthesis and is incorporated into plant tissue. By feeding on plants and on one another animals play an important role in the movement of matter and energy through the system.- They also influence the quantity of plant and microbial biomass present. By breaking down dead organic matter decomposers release.

Carbon back to the atmosphere and facilitate nutrient cycling by converting nutrients stored in dead biomass back to a form that can be readily used by plants and microbes. Ecosystems are controlled by external and internal factors. External factors such as climate, parent material which forms the soil and topography, control the overall structure of an ecosystem. Internal factors are controlled.

Human activities are important in almost all ecosystem. Although humans exist and operate within ecosystems their cumulative effects are large enough to influence external factors like climate. From this chapter students will understand about the nature, Food chain, food web and ecosystems. They will understand how an ecosystem disturbed by human activities. Anyway it’s our responsibility to protect our ecosystem and there by our environment.

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