Kerala SSLC Social Science Question Paper March 2022 English Medium

Students can read Kerala SSLC Social Science Question Paper March 2022 with Answers English Medium and Kerala SSLC Social Science Previous Year Question Papers with Answers helps you to score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala Syllabus Class 10 Social Science Question Paper March 2022 English Medium

Time: 2½ Hours
Total Score: 80 Marks

General Instructions to Candidates:

  • There is a ‘Cool-off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time. Use this time to get familiar with questions and to plan your answers.
  • Questions with different scores are given as distinct parts.
  • Read the instructions carefully before answering the questions.
  • Keep in mind, the score and time while answering the questions.
  • The maximum score for questions from 1 to 35 will be 80.

Part – I

Questions from 1 to 10 carry 1 score each.
(A) Answer any 4 questions from 1 to 6. 4 × 1 = 4

Question 1.
Identify the place where Pazhassi Raja led the revolt against the British.
(a) Kochi
(b) Travancore
(c) Malabar
(d) Kollam
(c) Malabar

Question 2.
The method of obtaining the photos of earth’s topography using cameras from the ground:
(a) Aerial Remote Sensing
(b) Terrestrial Photography
(c) Satellite Remote Sensing
(d) Passive Remote Sensing
(b) Terrestrial Photography

Question 3.
Identify an example for All India Service.
(a) Indian Railway Service
(b) Sales Tax Officer
(c) State Public Service Commission
(d) Indian Police Service
(d) Indian Police Service

Question 4.
Which among the following countries was a member of Triple Entente?
(a) France
(b) Germany
(c) Italy
(d) Austria-Hungary
(a) France

Question 5.
Name the major season experienced during 23rd September to 22nd December in the Northern Hemisphere.
(a) Summer
(b) Autumn
(c) Spring
(d) Winter
(b) Autumn

Kerala SSLC Social Science Question Paper March 2022 English Medium

Question 6.
‘Village Drummer’ is the painting of
(a) Raja Ravi Varma
(b) Abanindranath Tagore
(c) Nandalal Bose
(d) Amritha Sher-Gil
(c) Nandalal Bose

(B) Answer all questions from 7 to 10:

Question 7.
The Kudumbasree is an example of
(a) Micro finance
(b) Mutual Fund Institutions
(c) Insurance Companies
(d) Non banking Financial Institutions
(a) Micro finance

Question 8.
Battle of Colachel is related to
(a) Kunhali Marakkar
(b) Paliathachan
(c) Zamorin
(d) Marthanda Varma
(d) Marthanda Varma

Question 9.
Which among the following is a mineral based industry?
(a) Sugar Industry
(b) Jute Industry
(c) Iron and Steel Industry
(d) Cotton Textile Industry
(c) Iron and Steel Industry

Question 10.
Identify the function of Primary Health Centre:
(a) Maintain Law and Order
(b) Provide treatment facilities
(c) Issue income certificate
(d) Promote agriculture
(b) Provide treatment facilities


Questions from 11 to 18 carry 2 score each.
(A) Answer any 3 questions from 11 to 15. (3 × 2 = 6)

Question 11.
List two type of taxes.
Two types of taxes are:- Direct Tax and Indirect Tax -In direct tax, the burden of the tax is borne by the same person on whom tax is imposed. In indirect tax, the tax burden can be shifted from the person on whom it is imposed to another person.

Kerala SSLC Social Science Question Paper March 2022 English Medium

Question 12.
Water transport has many advantages. Mention any two.
Water transport is the most convenient means to transport cargo on a large scale. The common advantages of water transport are:-.
The cheapest means of transport.
Suitable for large scale cargo transport.
Does not cause environmental pollution.
Most suited for international trade.

Question 13.
Elucidate the role of family in fostering civic consciousness.
Family has big role in fostering civic consciousness. We learn to respect the elders and to engage in social service from the primary social institution of family. Family has an important role in fostering and maintaining sense of responsibility among its members. Inspiration and encouragement from the family will develop civic.

Consciousness: The concept that each individual is for the family and the family is for the society should be developed in the family atmosphere.

Question 14.
Name any two departments and institutions working for the protection of consumer’s interest.
There are various Departments and institutions that work for the protection of consumer’s interest. They are:- Legal Metrology Department, Food Safety Department, Central Drugs Price Control Committee, Drugs Control Department, Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (any Two)

Question 15.
Write any two uses of topographic maps.
Topographic maps are used for various purposes. They are:-Analysis of the physical and the cultural features of the earth surface. For military operations and the preparation of military maps. Identification and studying of the natural and the cultural resources of a region as part of economic planning. For urban planning. To understand land use. To understand the topography. For resource conservation and allocation. For computerized form of maps – GIS (any Two).

(B) Answer any 2 questions from 16 to 18. (2 × 2 = 4)

Question 16.
What is E-governance?
E-governance is the use of electronic technology in administration. This helped to obtain government services easily in a speedy manner. The single window system for admission to Higher Secondary courses, online applications for various scholarships, etc. are examples for E-governance.

Question 17.
Mention any two aspects that a consumer expects while purchasing products and using services.
Some aspects that a consumer expects while purchasing products and using services are:-Quality, Reliability, After-sales service, fair price.

Kerala SSLC Social Science Question Paper March 2022 English Medium

Question 18.
Name the island groups in India.
The two Island groups in India are:- The Lakshadweep islands and the Andaman and Nicobar


Questions from 19 to 25 carry 4 score each.
(A) Answer any 3 questions from 19 to 23. (3 × 4 = 12)

Question 19.
Mention four advantages in developing human resource.
There are various advantages in developing human resource. They are:-

  • Productivity of the workers increases.
  • Economic inequality is reduced.
  • Natural resource is utilized effectively.
  • Makes possible the development and use of advanced technology.
  • Social welfare is ensured.
  • Entrepreneurship improves. (any four)

Question 20.
List out any four principles of Panchsheel agreement signed by India and China.
Principles of Panchasheel agreement signed by India and China are:-

  • Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
  • Mutual non-aggression
  • Mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.
  • Equality and cooperation for mutual benefit
  • Peaceful co-existence, (any four)

Question 21.
Name four methods commonly used in the study of Sociology.
The four methods commonly used for the study of sociology are:-

  • Social survey
  • Observation
  • Interview
  • Case Study.

Question 22.
Explain how education helps in the development of a country.
Education has a major role in moulding skilled people. Education helps in the development of a Country. Education Improves the skills of individuals, it Helps to secure better job and income, it betters the technological know – how and Improves the standard of living.

Question 23.
Mark and label the following on the outline map of India provided.
(a) Western Ghats
(b) Malwa Plateau
(c) Mumbai Port
(d) River Kaveri
Kerala SSLC Social Science Question Paper March 2022 English Medium 1

Kerala SSLC Social Science Question Paper March 2022 English Medium

(B) Answer any 1 question from 24 to 25.

Question 24.
Match the items in Column ‘A’ with those in Column ‘B’.

Ramakrishna Mission Annie Besant
Aligarh Movement Raja Rammohan Roy
Theosophical Society Swami Vivekananda
Brahma Samaj Sir Syed Ahmad Khan


Ramakrishna Mission Swami Vivekananda
Aligarh Movement Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Theosophical Society Annie Besant
Brahma Samaj Raja Rammohan Roy

Question 25.
Mention any four factors which influence the climate of India.
The factors influencing the climate of India are:-

  • Latitude u Physiography
  • Nearness to sea
  • Altitude
  • Location of the Mountains
  • Winds (Any four)


Questions from 26 to 32 carry 6 score each.
(A) Answer any 3 questions from 26 to 29. 3 × 6 = 18

Question 26.
Answer the following:
(a) What are the obligatory functions of the state?
(b) Name any two theories on the origin of the state.
(a) The obligatory functions of the state are:-

  • Protection of boundary
  • Maintain internal peace
  • Protection of rights .
  • Implementation of justice

(b) There are many theories regarding the origin of state they are:-

  • Divine Right Theory,
  • Evolutionary Theory
  • Social Contract Theory,
  • Power Theory( Any Two)

Question 27.
Prepare short notes on:
(a) Electronic banking (E-banking)
(b) CORE banking (Centralised Online Realtime Exchange Banking)
(a) Electronic banking
Electronic banking is a method by which all transaction can be carried out through net banking and tele banking. Any time banking, anywhere banking, net banking, mobile phone banking, etc. are part of electronic banking. For this, the assistance of the bank employees is not required.

Bank account and net banking facility alone are required for this.

(b) Core Banking
Core banking is the facility which is arranged in such a way that the branches of all banks are brought under a central server so that banking services from one bank to another is made Possibla u Core banking is the facility which is arranged in such a way that the branches of all banks are brought under a central server so that banking services from one bank to another is made possible.

Question 28.
Explain the following:
(a) Features of permanent land revenue settlement.
(b) Mahalwari System
(a) Permanent land revenue settlement

  • This system was Implemented in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa
  • Lord Cornwallis British Governor General introduced this system.
  • In the permanent land revenue settlement the tax was collected by zamindars.
  • Zamindar was the owner of the entire land where he had the jurisdiction to collect tax.
  • While the zamindars became the owners of the land, the actual farmers became tenants.
  • Farmers were to pay up to 60% of the yield as tax.
  • Tax was to be paid even at the time of poor yield.
  • The tax was to be paid in cash strictly before the cut-off date. (Before introducing this system, tax could be paid in kind)

(b) Mahalwari system

  • Implemented in North West India.
  • The village headman was assigned the responsibility to collect tax.
  • The tax rate was too excessive.
  • The entire village (Mahal) was considered as a single unit for tax collection.

Question 29.
Write short notes on:
(a) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
(b) Indian Standard Time (IST)
(a) Greenwich Time (GMT)

  • The longitude that passes through Greenwich in England is known as the Greenwich meridian.
  • The zero-degree longitude is known as the Greenwich Meridian.
  • Time is calculated worldwide based on the Greenwich Line.
  • Hence this line is also known as the prime meridian.
  • The local time at the prime meridian is known as the Greenwich Mean Time.
  • Based on the Greenwich Meridian, the world is divided into 24 zones, each with a time difference of one hour.
  • These are known as time zones.

(b) Indian Standard Time

  • India is a large country with a longitudinal extent of 68°E to 97°E.
  • Hence there is a time difference of one hour 56 minutes between the east and west of India.
  • To avoid calculating same time, 82 1D 2°E longitude which passes almost through the middle has been fixed as the standard meridian of India.
  • The local time along this longitude is generally considered as the Standard Time of India.
  • This is known as the Indian Standard Time

Kerala SSLC Social Science Question Paper March 2022 English Medium

(B) Answer any 2 q uestions from 30 to 32. (2 × 6 = 12)

Question 30.
Explain the features of Fascism.
Features of Fascism are given below.

  • Antagonism to Democracy.
  • Opposition to socialism.
  • Glorifying the nation.
  • Adoring the purity of race.
  • Justifying war.
  • Diffusion of aggressive nationalism.
  • Deifying the past.
  • Indoctrination of ideologies through arts, literature and education.
  • Military dictatorship.
  • Destruction of political rivals.

Question 31.
Prepare a note on cash crops in India.
India cultivates a variety of cash crops. The cash crops in India are classified into:
(i) Fiber crops: Cotton are the major fibre crops cultivated in India. India ranks fourth in cotton production. Frost free growing season, 20° to 30° Celsius of temperature, and a small amount of annual rainfall are the geographical requirements for cotton cultivation. Black soil and alluvial soil are most suitable.

India ranks second in jute production. Hot and humid conditions are ideal for its growth. High temperature and rainfall above 150 cm is essential for jute cultivation. Well drained alluvial soil is required. The Ganga-Brahmaputra delta region of West Bengal is the major jute producing region.

(ii) Beverage crops
Tea: India is the largest producer of tea in the world. The tea plantations Of India are confined to Assam, West Bengal, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu. Hill slopes having an annual rainfall range of 200 to 250 cm and 25° to 30° Celsius of temperature are most favourable for tea plantations. Well drained soil rich in humus content is required for this plantation crop.

Coffee: India stands sixth in the production of coffee, which is a tropical plantation crop. Coffee plantations of India are confined to the Western Ghat ranges of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Moderate temperature and high rainfall are the requirements for coffee cultivation.

(iii) Spices: Plantations of spices are concentrated mostly to the ranges of the Western Ghats. Here, the favourable factors are well drained forest soil or sandy soil and the tropical climate with large amount of rainfall.

(iv) Other crops
Rubber: Rubber cultivation requires temperature above 25° Celsius and rainfall of more tham 150 cm. Lateriate soil which is generally not suitable for other crops is good for rubber. Kerala is the leading producer of rubber in India. It is a major source of income in Kerala.

Question 32.
Describe the problems caused by the lack of civic consciousness. List the important factors which determine civic consciousness.
Civic consciousness influences the progress of the state and society. In the absence of civic consciousness human beings will become selfish and all the activities will be for his own achievements. This will adversely affect social life. In such a society there will be no peace or security.

Formation of civic consciousness is determined by life situations and experiences. The life situation of each individual provides different experiences and hence there will be variation in civic consciousness. The important factors which determine civic consciousness are given below.

  • Family
  • Education
  • Social system
  • Associations
  • Political system.


Questions from 33 to 35 carry 8 score each.

(A) Answer any 2 questions from 33 to 35. (2 × 8 = 16)

Question 33.
Analyse the Non-cooperation movement based on the following hints:
• Characteristics of Non-cooperation Movement.
• Indian Society’s response to Gandhiji’s appeal.
• Chouri-Choura Incident
The first national level struggle by the Indian National Congress under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi was the non-cooperation movement.
Characteristics of Non Cooperation Movement was:

  • Lawyers shall boycott court.
  • The public shall boycott foreign products.
  • Boycott elections.
  • Returning the British awards and prizes.
  • Denial of taxes. v
  • Students shall boycott English school.

Indian Society’s response to Gandhiji’s appeal

  • Farmers in Awadh refused to pay taxes.
  • The tribal groups in northern Andhra entered the forests and collected the forest produces
  • Violating the forest laws.
  • Farmers in Uttar Pradesh refused to carry the luggage of the colonial officials
  • Workers struck work.
  • Lawyers boycotted courts.
  • Students quitted colleges and schools run by the British.
  • The public, including women, burnt foreign clothes on the streets.

In response to the police firing at a mob, at Chouri Choura in Uttar Pradesh the villagers set ablaze the police station and 22 policemen died. This incident disappointed Gandhiji. So, he called for stopping the non-cooperation movement.

Question 34.
Prepare notes on the following:
(a) Any two planetary winds
(b) Any two global pressure belts
The winds developed between the global pressure belts can be generally called as planetary winds. The different planetary winds are listed below.

  • Trade winds
  • Westerlies
  • Polar easterlies

i. Trade winds: The winds are constantly blowing from the sub tropical high pressure belt towards the equatorial low pressure belt is known as Trade winds. The Trade winds blows From 30°N & 30°S latitude to 0° latitude. As these winds blow from the north east in the Northern Hemisphere, they are known as north east trade winds. -This wind is blowing from the south east in the Southern Hemisphere, so it is known as the South east trade winds.

ii. Westerlies: The Westerlies are blow continuously from the subtropical high pressure zones (30 ° latitudes) into Sub polar low pressure zones (60 ° latitudes) In both . hemispheres. As the direction of these winds is mostly from the west, they are kndwn as the westerlies.

iii. Polar Easterlies: The cold polar regions are centres of high pressure. The polar winds are the cold winds that blow from these high pressure areas towards the sub polar low pressure belts. These winds blow from the East in both the hemispheres due to the Coriolis Force. Hence these are known as polar easterlies. These winds play a significant role in determining the climate of North America, the eastern European countries, and Russia.

(b) Global pressure belts: Studies have revealed that the atmospheric pressure is more or less the same between certain latitudes. Based on ’ this, the earth’s surface is divided into different pressure belts.

i. Equatorial low pressure belt 0°: The area where the sun rays are perpendicular throughout the year. The air expands due to sun’s heat and rises up on a massive scale in this area. This is the reason for the low pressure experienced throughout this zone. The equatorial low- pressure belt is situated between 5° North and South latitudes. As the air in this zone ascends on a large scale, winds are very feeble here. This pressure belt is also known as ‘doldrum’, meaning ‘the zone with no winds’. The region was a nightmare for the ancient mariners.

ii. Sub tropical high pressure belt-(30°N & 30°S): Located at 30°latitude in both hemispheres. The warm air rising from the equatorial low pressure belt (0°) u -This air gradually cools and drops to 30° latitudes due to the Earth’s rotation (Coriolis Force) and there it becomes high pressure belt.

iii. Sub polar low pressure belt (60°N & 60°S latitudes): Located at 60° latitude in both hemispheres. As this zone is close to the Pole, the ai r is colder here. The ai r i n this zone thrown away due to the rotation of the earth (Coriolis Force) as a result, low pressure is experienced all along the sub polar region.

iv. Polar high pressure belt (90°N & 90°S): Located at 90°latitude in both hemispheres.This zone experiences severe cold throughout the” year. Steady high pressure experienced here, (any Two).

Kerala SSLC Social Science Question Paper March 2022 English Medium

Question 35.
Explain the causes and consequences of American war of Independence.
(i) Mercentilist laws
(ii) Thinkers
(iii) First and Second Continental Congresses
(iv) Influence of American War of Independence.
The British treated the American colonies as centers for collecting raw materials for their industry and as market for selling their products. This policy implemented by the British merchants with the help of their motherland in the American colonies, is known as Mercantilism. As part of Mercantilism, several laws were implemented in the British colonies.

Some important Mercantilist Laws were:

  • The goods to and from the colonies must be carried only in British ships or ships built in the British colonies.
  • Products of the colonies like sugar, wool, cotton, * tobacco, etc. could only be exported to England.
  • British stamp must be affixed on all the legal documents, newspapers, pamphlets, license, etc.
  • Colonies must provide food and quarters for the British Troops which were maintained in the colonies.
  • Import tax must be paid for the import of tea, glass, paper, etc.

The ideologies of some thinkers also stimulated the people of the colonies to fight against the exploitative laws of the British.

John Locke:- Everyone has some fundamental rights. No government has the right to suspend them.

Thomas Paine:- There is something absurd, in supposing a continent (North America) be perpetually governed by a foreign power (England)

First Continental Congress
The delegates of all the colonies except Georgia met at Philadelphia in 1774 to protest against the policies and rules imposed by England. It is known as the First. Continental Congress. The colonies submitted a petition to the King of England. They demanded the revocation of the regulations enforced on industry and commerce and not to impose tax without the approval of the people.

Second Continental Congress: The Second Continental Congress held at Philadelphia in 1775 elected George Washington as the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. Through the pamphlet titled ‘Common Sense’, Thomas Paine declared that it was wise for the Americans to break the ties with Britain. Influence of American war of independence. It gave direction and motivation to the later freedom struggles and revolutions all over the World. Put forward the concept of republican form of Government. Prepared the first written constitution. Contributed to the concept of federal system that ensured freedom and authority of states in the union.

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