Kerala Plus One Botany Model Question Paper 1
Time: 1 Hours
Cool off time : 10 Minutes
General Instructions to candidates :
- There is a ‘cool off time’ of 10 minutes each for Botany and Zoology in addition to the writing time ‘ of 1 hour each. Further there is a ‘ 5 minutes’ ‘preparatory time’ at the end of the Botany Examination and before the commencement of the Zoology Examination.
- Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
- Read the instructions carefully.
- Read questions carefully before you answering.
- Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
- Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
- Give equations wherever necessary.
- Electronic devices except non programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.
Questions 1-3. Answers all questions. Each question carries 1 score.
Question 1.
Choose the correctly matched pair
a. Banyan tree – Assimillatorry roots
b. Ribizophora – Prop roots
c. Radish – Fusiform root
Question 2.
The name ‘Virus’ that means venom or poisonous fluid was given by …..
a. Pasteur
b. Ivanowsky
c. Beijerinck
d. Stanley
Question 3.
Observe the figure given below and identify the cell organalle.
Questions 4-11. Answers any 6 questions. Each question carries 2 score.
Question 4.
Calvin and his co-workers worked out the whole pathway of Co2 fixation and showed that the pathway is operated in a cyclic manner.
Draw this cycle using the given terms in the correct order. 3 phosphoglycerate, Regeneration, Carboxylation, Triose phosphate, Reduction, Ribulose, 1,5 biphosphate, Co2, Sucrose.
Question 5.
Most pteriodophytes are homosporous but there are exceptions.
‘Heterospory is a precursor to seed habit’. Point out any one common character found in heterospory and seed habit.
Question 6.
Analyse the table and fill in the blanks,
Question 7.
Proteins in the membrane are responsible for facilitated diffusion and active transport and hence both show common characteristics. List any two such characteristics.
Question 8.
‘Double fertilization is an event unique to angiosperms’.
a. Mention the two fusions in this event.
b. Name the products obtained as a result of these fusions.
Question 9.
In a plants, deficiency of N2 is visible inorder parts and that of Ca is visible in younger parts’. Critically evaluate the statement.
Question 10.
Photosynthesis can be considered as the most significant physicochemical process on earth. Evaluate this statement citing any two significances.
Question 11.
A diagrammatic view of a cell cycle is given below.
a. Identify the phase in which
i. DNA synthesis takes place
ii. Chromosomes are arranged at the equator of the spindle,
b. Mention two significant points of mitosis in the life of an organism.
Questions 12 – 17. Answers any 5 questions.Each question carries 3 scores.
Question 12.
a. Identify the cell organelle found both in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
b. Justify its presence in both types of cells.
Question 13.
Observe the given diagram of cell division.
a. Identify the state.
b. Label the parts A and B.
c. Mention any one peculiarity for the pachytene stage of meiosis.
Question 14.
In the anatomy lab, Eugin observed the following features in the T.S of a plant part.
a. adial and polyarch xylem bundles.
b. Parenchymatous (homogenous) cortex
c. Large Path
d. Epidermis with unicellular hairs.
e. Pericycle.
ii. Re-arrange the given regions from the periphery to the center in their correct sequence.
iii. Give an account of casparian strips.
Question 15.
Observe the flow chart given below :
a. Identify A, B, C. Write the function of B
b. Differentiate radial & conjoint arrangements.
Question 16.
Pigments in plants are organized into two photochemical light harvesting com-plexes.
a. Name the reaction center of PS-1 and write its absorption peak.
b. Name the reaction center of PS-II and write its absorption peak.
c. Explain non-cyclic photo phosphorylation giving reasons for the naming of the phenomenon, with the help of a diagram.
Question 17.
Prophase of the first meiotic division is typically longer and complex. It has been further subdivided into five phases. The major events of these substages are given below:
a. Pairing of homologous chromosomes.
b. Terminalization of chiasmata.
c. Occurs crossing over.
d. Chromosomes-are visible under a light microscope.
e. Formation of chiasmata.
i. Identify the stages a,b,c,d and e.
ii. Arrange these stages in correct order of occurrence.
Answer 1.
Answer 2.
a. Pasteur
Answer 3.
Answer 4.
Answer 5.
Heterospory means production of two kinds of spores ie, megaspore and microspore. Megaspore germinate and give rise to fe-male gametophyte. Micro- spore germinate and give rise to male gametophyte. So the development of zygote into embryo takes place in the female gametophyte.
Answer 6.
a. Auxin
b. Bolting
c. Overcome apical dominance
Answer 7.
Active transport is carried out by some membrane-protein like facilitated transport. Rate of both of them reach maximum when all membrane proteins are used up. Both are more specific.
Answer 8.
a. Syngamy and triple fusion.
b. By sygamy zygote is formed, by triple fusion primary endosperm nucleus (PEN) is formed.
Answer 9.
The elements that are actively mobilised within the plants and exported to young developing tissue the deficiency symp-toms appears first at the older tissues, i.e., the deficiency of N2, K+ Mg+ are visible at the older parts.
The elements that are relatively in mobile and are not transported out the mature organs show deficiency sympto-ms of younger parts, i.e., the deficiency of S, Ca2+ are visible at younger parts.
Answer 10.
It is the only natural process by which light energy is converted to chemical energy. It provide food either directly or indirectly. It maintains the equilibrium of oxygen in at-mosphere. It provide vast reserves of en-ergy in the form of petro-lium products like diesel, natural gase etc.
Answer 11.
a. i. Synthesis phase
ii. Metaphase
b. Growth of multicellular organisms is due to mitosis.
Restore the nucleo cytoplasmic ratio.
Answer 12.
a. Ribosome.
b. Ribosome is a site of protein synthesis in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Answer 13.
a. Metaphase.
b. A – Spindle fibers, B – Chromatids.
c. Crossing over occurs between the chromatids of homologous chromosomes. It gives the appearance of recombination nodule.
Answer 14.
i. Monoroot root
ii. Epidermis with unicellular hairs.
Parenchymatous cortex.
Endodermis with casparian strips.
Radial and polyarch xylem bundles.
Large pith.
iii. The tangential, as well as radial walls of the endodermal cells, have a deposition i of water-impermeable, waxy material suberin in the form of casparian strips.
Answer 15.
a. A- Epidermis, B – Stomata
C – Epidermal appendages
b. Radial: When xylem and phloem within a vascular bundle are arranged in alternate manner on different radii, e.g., roots.
Conjoint : Xylem and phloem are situated at the same radius of vascular bundles. Such vascular bundles are common in stems and leaves. The conjoint vascular bundles usually have the phloem located only on the outer side of xylem.
Answer 16.
a. P700 – Peak is 700 nm
b. P680 – Peak is 680 nm
The schematic representation showing Z-scheme.
Answer 17.
i. a. Zygotene
b. Diplotene
c. Pachytene
d. Leptotene
e. Pachytene
ii. Leptotene, Zygotene, Pachytene, Diplotene.