Plus One Computer Science Model Question Paper 3

Kerala Plus One Computer Science Model Question Paper 3

Answer all question from 1 to 5
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 1
Question 1.
The computing machine developed by Balaise Pascal is known as ………………………………..
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3

Question 2.
The conditional operator is ……………… opera­tor.
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.2

Question 3.
Write the name of the header file which contains the exit( ) function.
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.34

Question 4.
……………. is stored at the end of the string.
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.3

Question 5.
A short distance wireless internet ac­cess method is…
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.4

Answer any nine questions from 6 to 16
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.5

Question 6.
Compare the Roman number system and Mayan’s number system.
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.6

Question 7.
If (X)2 – (1o1o)2 = (1ooo)2 then find X.
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.35

Question 8.
Describe the use of electronic spread­sheets.
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.7

Question 9.
Differentiate between top-down design and bottom-up design in problem solv­ing.
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.8

Question 10.
Some of the literals in C++ are given below. How do they differ?
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.9

Question 11.
What will be the result of the following if ans is 6 initially?
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.10

  1. cout <<ans = 8 ;
  2. cout << ans == 8;

Question 12.
Write a C++ code segment to input val­ues into the array:
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.11

Question 13.
Predict the output of the following code segment:
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.12

char str[] = “program”;
for (int i=o; str[i] != ‘\o’; ++i)

Question 14.
Write down the output of the following code segment:
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.13

Question 15.
How can multimedia content be sent using mobile phones?
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.14

Question 16.
What are the functions of the mobile oper­ating system?
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.15

Answer any nine questions from 17 to 27
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.16

Question 17.
Find dual of following Boolean expressions:
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.17

  1. X. Y + Z
  2. C + A.1 + A.C
  3. (A+o).(A.1. A )

Question 18.
Fill in the blanks
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.18

  1. (———– )2 = (AB)l6
  2. (__ D__ )l6 = (1010_____ 1ooo)2
  3. 2510 = (______ )2

Question 19.
Differentiate compiler and interpreter.
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.19

Question 20.
Draw a flowchart to input ten different numbers and find their average.
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.20

Question 21.
Write a C++ program to check whether the given number is prime or not.
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.21

Question 22.
In how many ways can a variable be declared in C++?
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.23

Question 23.
Write a program to find the largest among the three numbers.
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.24

Question 24.
Write a C++ program to find the sum of major diagonal elements of a matrix,
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.25

Question 25.
What are the differences between the linear search method and the binary search method?
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.36

Question 26.
What are the advantages of the modular style of programming?
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.26

Question 27.
Distinguish between exit( ) function and return statement.
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.27

Answer any two questions from 28 to 30
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.28

Question 28.
Define the term green computing. List and explain the approaches that you can adopt to promote green computing concepts at all possible levels.
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.29

Question 29.
Write a program using a nested loop that inputs a number n which generates an output as follows. [Hint: If the value of n is 5, the output will be as]
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.31
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.30

Question 30.
What is network protocol? Explain.
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.32


Answer 1.

Answer 2.

Answer 3.

Answer 4.
The null character ‘\o’

Answer 5.

Answer 6.
The Romans used 7 letters (I, V, X, L, C, D, and M) of the alphabet for representing numbers.
The Mayans used a number system with base 20. It is the sum of the number of fingers and toes. This number system could produce very accurate astronomical observations and make measurements with greater accuracy.

Answer 7.
(X)2 – (1o1o)2 = (1ooo)2
(X)2 – 10 = 8
18 – 10 = 8
(18)10= (1oo1o)2 = (X)2

Answer 8.
Spreadsheet software allows users to perform calculations using spreadsheets. eg., Microsoft Excel, Open Office calc, Lotus 1-2-3, and Apple numbers.

Answer 9.
Top-down design: It is the process of breaking the overall procedure or task into component parts (modules) and then subdividing each component module until the lowest level of detail is reached. It is also called top-down decomposition.
Bottom-up design: Once the overall procedure or task is broken down into component parts (modules) and each component module are further subdivided until the lowest level of detail has been reached, we start solving from the low­est module onwards. The solution for the main module will be developed only after designing a specific solution to its submodules.

Answer 10.
5 is an integer literal.
‘5’ is a character literal.
5.0 is floating point literal.
“5” is string literal.

Answer 11.

  1. 8
  2. The result will be o (false) because of 6
  3. is not equal to 8.

Answer 12.

for (int i=o; i<50; i++)

Answer 13.

Answer 14.
hello friends

Answer 15.
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is the standard way to send and receive messages consisting of multimedia con­tent using mobile phones.

Answer 16.
It is an OS used in handheld devices such as a smartphone, tablet, etc. It man­ages the hardware, multimedia func­tions, internet connectivity, etc. eg., Android, iOS.

Answer 17.
a. X + Y.Z
b. A + C . A+o . A + C
c. (A . l) + (A + o + \( \bar { A } \))

Answer 18.
a. A → 1010, B → 1011
b. (AD8)26 = (1010 1101 1ooo)2
c. (o.o1)2

Answer 19.
Compiler: It translates a high-level language into machine language by converting all the lines at a time. The errors are provided at the end of the compilation. The programming language that has a compiler are C, C++, Pascal, etc.
Interpreter: It converts a high-level language into machine language by-line by line. If there is an error in one line, it reports and the execution is terminated. It will continue the translation only after the correction of the error, eg., BASIC is an interpreted language.

Answer 20.
Plus One Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 3.33

Answer  21.

using namespace std; int main()
int i, num;
cout<<“Enter the number: cin>>num;
for(i=2; i<=num/2; ++i)
if(num%i == o)
cout<<“Not a Prime Number”; exit(o);
cout<<“Prime Number”; return 0;

Answer 22.
In C+ +, variable can be declared in three ways. They are:

  • Uninitialized variable, eg., int a;
  • Initialised variable, eg., int a = 2;
  • Dynamically initialized variable,
  • eg., int a = b + 10;

Answer 23.

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std;
 int main( )
int a, b, c;
cout << “Enter three different num­bers: ”;
cin >>a>>b>>c;
 if (a > b)
if (a > c)
cout<<“The largest number is:”<< a; else
cout << “The largest number is:”<<c;
if Ob > c)
cout << “The largest number is:”<<b; else
cout << “The largest number is: ”<<c;
return o;

Answer 24.

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; int main( )
{ int mat[io][io], n, i, j, s=o;
cout<<“Enter the rows/columns of square matrix: ”; 
cin> >n;
cout<<“Enter the elements\n”; for(i=o; i<n; i++)
for(j=o; j<n; j++) 
cin> >mat[i][j];
cout<<“Major diagonal elements are\n”;
for(i=o; i<n; i++)
s = s + mat[i][i];
cout<<“\nSum of major diagonal elements is: 
return o; 

Answer 25.
Linear search method:

  • The elements need not to be in any or­der.
  • Takes more time for the process.
  • May need to visit all the elements.
  • Suitable when the array is small.

Binary search method:

  • The elements should be in sorted or­der.
  • Takes very less time for the process.
  • All the elements are never visited.
  • Suitable when the array is large.

Answer 26.

  • It reduces the size of the program
  • Less chances of error.
  • Modularization reduces program­ming complexity.
  • Improves reusability.

Answer 27.
The return statement returns a value to the calling function and transfers the program control back to the calling function.
The exit( ) function terminates the ex­ecution of the program itself.

Answer 28.
Green computing is the study and prac­tice of environmentally sustainable computing or IT. To promote green computing, there are 4 approaches are used. They are:

  1. Green design: Designing energy effi­cient and eco-friendly computers and devices.
  2. Green manufacturing: Minimising waste during the manufacturing of IT devices.
  3. Green use: Minimising the electric­ity consumption of computers.
  4. Green disposal: Reconstructing used computers or appropriately disposing off or recycling unwanted electronic equipment.

Answer  29.

using namespace std;
int main( )
int n, i, j, s;
cout<<“Enter the value of n”; cin> >n;
for (i=n; i>=i; i- -)
for (j=n; j>=i; j- -)
s = j * j;
cout< <“\n”;
return o;

Answer 30.
A protocol is a collection of rules and regulations to transfer data from one location to another. Different types of protocols are:

  1. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): It uses a set of rules to exchange mes­sages with other internet points at the information packet level.
  2. Internet Protocol (IP): It uses a set of rules to send and receive messages at the internet address level.
  3. File Transfer Protocol (FTP): It is used for transferring files between comput­ers connected to local network or internet.
  4. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HT­TP): It is a protocol used for WWW for enabling the web browser to access the web server and request HTML documents.

Plus One Computer Science Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

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