Plus One English Previous Year Question Paper 2016

Kerala Plus One English Previous Year Question Paper 2016

Maximum: 80 Scores
Cool off time : 15 Minutes

General Instructions to Candidates:

  • There is a ‘Cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 272 hrs.
  • You are neither allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the ‘cool off time’ .
  • Read the questions carefully before answering.
  • All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.
  • When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.
  • Electronic devices except nonprogrammable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

(Question. 1 & 2): Read the lines from the poem ‘Death The Leveller’ and answer the questions that follow.

The garlands wither on your brow;
Then boast no more your mighty deeds!
Upon Deaths purple altar now
See where the Victor-victim bleeds; .

Question 1.
What is meant by “Deaths purple altar”? (1)

Question 2.
Explain the message conveyed by the above lines. (3)

Question 3.
In ‘1 will Fly’ you have met a nervous boy from a remote village who asked Dr.. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam a question. Imagine that the boy sends a letter to his friend describing the incident. Here is an excerpt from the letter. Complete it Meeting Dr. Abdul Kalam was really a wonderful experience. Now, 1 feel very confident.

Question 4.
Esther Dyson, in ‘The Cyberspace, says that there is something in the modern psyche that loves new frontiers, a liking to make rules instead of following them. Do you agree with this statement? Express your views in 2 or 3 sentences. (2)

(Question. 5 to 7): Read the following excerpt from the story, ‘The Trip of Le Horla’ and answer the following questions.

Suddenly, the people begin to stand beck, for the gas is beginning to enter into the balloon through a long tube of yellow cloth, which lies on the sell, swelling and undulating like an enormous Worm. But another thought, another picture occurs to every mind. It is thus nature itself nourishes beings until their birth. The creature that will rise, soon begins to move, and the attendants of Captain Jovis, as Le Horla grows larger, spread and put in place the net which covers it, so that the will be regular and equally distributed at every point,

Question 5.
What is the balloon compared to?
a) tube
b) worm
c) soil
d) picture (1)

Question 6.
The meaning of ‘nourish’ is
a) clear
b) rage
c) feed
d) yell (1)

Question 7.
How is the balloon equipped for the ride? (3)

Question 8.
‘Gooseberries’ by Anton Chekov presents the life of Ivan lvanich and Niohola Ivanich. Of
these two brothers, whom do you like? Write four Sentences justifying your Choice. You may begin with I‘d prefer/1 like/1 would/1 feel etc. (4)

Question 9.
Read the following information about Albert Einstein and prepare a short Profile.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Born in Germany ………… from childhood revealed an extraordinary curiosity for understanding the mysteries of science ………. took music lessons, playing both the violin and piano …….. in 1905, published his most influential research papers, including the
Special Theory of Relativity ……. in 1921, awarded the Nobel prize in Physics practical applications of Einsteins theories now include the development of the television, remote control device, etc. (5)

Question 10.
Fill in the blanks in the following passage choosing the appropriate Words Given in the box.
But, then, and, moreover
Then a monstrous terror seized him
(a) his heart stood still. He could hear nothing
(b) it only lasted a moment. (2)

Question 11.
Read the following excerpt and Write a Precise reducing it to 1/3rd of its length.
Mark twain was once talking to a friend on the subject of courage in men, and spoke of a man Whose name is associated with a book that has become a classic. “I knew him Well,” he said, “and I knew him as a brave man. Yet he once did the most cowardly thing I have ever heard of any man. He was in a shipwreck and, as the ship was going down, he snatched a life belt from a women passenger and put it on himself. He was saved and she was drowned, And in spite of that frightful act, I think he was not a coward, I know there was not a day of his life afterwards when he would not Willingly and in cold blood have given his life to recall that shameful act.”

In this case, the failure was not in moral courage but in physical courage. He was demoralized by the peril, and the physical coward came uppermost. If he had time to recover his moral balance, he would have died an honourable death. It is not a uncommon thing for a man to have in him the elements both of the here and the coward. The true here is he who unites the moral with physical courage. The physical element is the more plentiful. For one man who will count the cost of.sacrifice and having counted it? Pay the price with unfaltering heart, there are many who will answer the sudden call to meet peril with swift defiance. It is inspired by an impulse that takes men out of themselves, and by a certain spirit of challenge to fate that every one with a sporting instinct loves to take. (4)

Question 12.
Imagine that you visited the village of Namuana to witness the strange ritual of turtle calling. Draft a live TV report of the event.
[ Hints: description of the location. Spectators, details of the event etc ] (5)

Question 13.
Rewrite the following conversation between Gupta and the waitress (The Price of flowers) in reported speech.
Gupta : Do you know the girl who was sitting over there?
Waitress : No, sir, I do not know her, to speak of. I’ve noticed she has lunch here on Saturdays.
Gupta : Doesn’t she come on any other day?
Waitress : I never see her on other days? (4)

Question 14.
Stephen Hawking has overcome his crippling disease to become the ‘supernova’ of world  physics. On the occasion of the release of a book on Stephen Hawking, you are asked to deliver a speech describing him to the audience. Prepare the script of the speech. (5)

Question 15.
Read the following excerpt from ‘Is society Dead?’, there are four errors in the passage. Identify the errors and correct them. What we do get from this? The chance to slip away for a while from everydayness, to give your lives its own sound tracks, to still the monotony of the compute, to listen more closely and carefully on music that can lift you up and can keep you go. (4)

(Question. 16 to 18): Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
I had spent the spring of 1912 in Paris studying tropical medicine and making a start at purchasing the supplies that would be needed for Africa. Although I acquired a theoretical : knowledge of my subject at the beginning of my medical studies, it was now time to work at it from a practical point of view. This too, was a new experience. Until then, I had engaged only in intellectual labour.

How much time and trouble it cost me to get together the instruments, the drugs, the bandages, and all the other articles needed to equip a hospital, not to mention all the work we did together to prepare for housekeeping in the primeval forest.
(‘Out of My Life and Thought’ by Albert Schweitzer)

Question 16.
Look at the Word underlined and identify the part of speech. (1)

Question 17.
What is referred to as a new experience? Why is it termed so? (2)

Question 18.
Describe the arrangements made by Albert Schweitzer to equip a hospital. What trait of his character is evident from the passage? (3)

Question 19.
Imagine that you conducted a journey by mountain railway from Mettupalayam to the Nilgiri Hills. Prepare a travel essay based on your train journey. Include descriptions of physical features, practical issues related to the journey, personal impressions, etc..
The View of the Valley was breathtaking and photogenic (6)

Question 20.
Nowadays? our rivers are rapidly getting polluted. Many reasons are cited but seldom are measures adopted to prevent the pollution of rivers. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper highlighting the gravity of the issue. ‘ (6)
Imagine that you have read an article published in a local newspaper titled, ‘Reading Empowers the Learning of English. In response to this article, draft a letter to the editor of this newspaper expressing your views on the topic.

Question 21.
India has faced a number of natural disasters like floods, landslides etc. We may not be
able to avert many of these disasters, but We can definitely mitigate their impact. Prepare an essay on the various stages involved in the effective management of disasters. (8)
The latest World Disaster Report suggests that disasters have increased both in frequency and intensity. Prepare an essay on the increasing rate of natural disasters in India.

Question 22.
Read the poem given below and write a note of appreciation.

by William Blake
The sun descending in the west,
The evening star does shine;
The birds are silent in their nest,
And 1 must seek for mine.
The moon, like a flower,
In heaven’s high bower,
With silent delight
Sits and smiles on the night.
Farewell, green fields and happy groves,
Where flocks have took delight.
Where lambs have nibbled, silent moves
The feet of angels bright;
Unseen they pour blessing,
And joy without ceasing,
On each bud and blossom,
And each sleeping bosom,
They look in every thoughtless nest;
Where birds are covered warm;
They visit caves of every beast,
To keep them all from harm.
If they see any weeping
That should have been sleeping,
They pour sleep on their head,
And sit down by their bed.


Answer 1.
Purple is used in funeral; the all embraing power of death before whom everyone bow.

Answer 2.
The mighty deeds or the glory of human beings are equated with the “Withering of Garlands”. Our head may be decorated with garlands. But these will soon dry and wither away. Therefore let us not boast about our so called mighty deeds. The victorious king will soon become the victim of death. He will be like an animal sacrificed on the altar of death. Bluish red blood will drip from his head.

Answer 3.
Meeting Dr. Abdul Kalam was really a wonderful experience. Now, I feel very confident. He said, “If you become unique, you will succeed.’1 His words ignited my mind. If I had not attended the meeting, I could not have made this change.

Answer 4.
I agree with the statement because human mind always tries to explore new fields of knowledge and cyber space is one among them. It seems easier and more comfortable for the modern psyche to make rules than to obey the set rules because set
rules control them to a great extend. But the rules they make will offer them the freedom to choose what they prefer.

Answer 5.
b. worm

Answer 6.
c. feed

Answer 7.
Gas was pumped into the balloon through the long tube of yellow cloth. Later when the ballon began to move, Captain Jovis and his attendants spread and put the net which covers it in its place so that the pressure] would be regular and equally distributed at every point.

Answer 8.

  • I would prefer Nicholai Ivanich because he is happy in his own way.
  • I like Nicholai Ivanich because he could fulfill his life’s dreams.
  • I would like Nicholai Ivanich’ because he believes in doing good while young I feel
  • Nicholai Ivanich is a better personality because he pursues his goal without any compromise.

Answer 9:
Albert Einstein, one of the most remarkable physicists of our age, was born in 1879 in Germany. At an early age, Hawking showed a passion for science and revealed an extraordinary curiosity for understanding the mysteries of Science. But he was enthusiastic in various other activities too. He took music lessons and used to play violin and piano. He published his most influential research papers, including the Special Theory of Relativity at the age of twenty six i.e in 1905. He was awarded the nobel prize in Physics in 1921. His inventions in Physics led to many innovative parctical applications which include the development of television, remote control devices etc. His findings ‘ made him the supernova in Physics and the world famous Physicist till date.

Answer 10.
a. and b. but

Answer 11.
True Hero
Citing the example of a man whose name is associated with a classic, Mark Twain once commented to his friend about true courage. In a ship wreck,the man snatched a lifebelt from a lady and escaped, but the lady drowned. In cold blood, he would, forever, regret that shameful act since then. He did it, not because he was a coward. Everyone has both a coward and a hero in him. Here, the failure was not in moral courage, but physical. If he thought in cold blood, he would have died like an honourable man. A true hero unites the physical courage with moral. Many people show heroism in a sudden impulse or with a sporting instinct. But doing sacrifices, knowing its price, is true heroism.

Answer 12.
I am Juano from Star T V, standing at Kadavu in Namuana with cameraman, Ajith Sam. Let me familiarize you with the area. Namuana, as you can see, is a beautiful, quiet village with rocky cliffs on the beach. You can climb a rocky tract, enjoy watching the turtles, have great meals and feel very safe. Many tourists have now gathered here. They are all getting ready for the turtle calling, which is a famous ritual here. Here the women chant a special tune to call turtles.

There is a story connected to this legend. Once, the beautiful Princess Tinaicoboga and her daughter were seized by a group of fishermen, as they were wading in the water. The women cried, but the warriors only laughed at the women’s tears and pleas. The people here say that the gods sent a mighty storm and tossed the canoe. The fishermen saw the women turning into two giant sea turtles.

The turtles slipped into the water and the sea grew calm. The Fijians still believe that forever afterward, Tinaicoboga and Raudalice lived in the waters of that bay.
You can see the women of the Namuana village, dressed in mourning clothes and carrying sacred clubs as they walk to the shore. See, they are chanting to their beloved turtles. Let’s see what happens.  Oh, wonderful. As the women chant, the giant turtles rise to the surface of the bright blue waters of this beautiful bay beneath the cliffs of Kadavu. Don’t you feel excied to go near and see the turtles come up? It’s true, you will see.

Answer 13.
Gupta asked the waitress whether she knew the girl who had been sitting over there.
The witress replied that to speak of, she did not know her and that she had noticed she had lunch there on Saturdays. Gupta again asked whether she didn’t come on any other day.The waitress then answered that she never saw her on other days.

Answer 14.
Honourable dignitaries on and off the dais, and my dear friends, Almost everyone wishes to be successful and all of us feel proud of the successful people. But no one ever tries to see how the so called successful people have become successful. Success is not a matter of luck, nor is it easily attained. It needs a lot of effort and determination. It needs the power to dare challenges. The life of Stephen Hawking, the world renowned astrophysicist teaches us this. Let me take this opportunity to introduce him to you. Stephen Hawking has earned an international

reputation as the most brilliant theoretical physicist since Einstein. He is an insightful, absorbing, and inspiring person of extraordinary courage who dared his challenges and the threatening disease with his strong will power. His life
and works bear witness to his brilliant mind. He was not a born prodigy. Many a times he met with border line results. At age of 21, he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. It was devastating news for Hawking and his family. A few events, however, prevented him from becoming completely pessimistic.
In a sense, Hawking’s disease helped him become the noted scientist he is today. With the sudden realization that he might not even live long enough to earn his Ph.D, Hawking poured himself into his work and research and despite his devastating illness, he has done ground-breaking work in physics and cosmology, and his several books have helped to make science accessible to everyone.

Today, we are releasing his book A Brief History of Time.’ The book articulates the physicist’s personal search for science’s Holy Grail: a single unifying theory that can combine cosmology with quantum mechanics to explain how the universe began. Dear sir, my hearty congratulations and I wish that you may continue giving such valuable contributions in future too.

I really wonder, how he could do all these and become the supernova of physics even against your handicaps. Of course his life will be a source of inspiration to us all. I wish everyone has the courage to face life boldly like this, and then the world will be a different one.
Thank you.

Answer 15.
What do we get from this? The chance to slip away from the everydayness, to give your lives its own sound tracks, to still the monotony of the commute, to listen more closely and carefully to music that can lift you up and can keep you going.

Answer 16.

Answer 17.
To work from a practical point of view. It is termed as a new experience because till then he had engaged only in intellectual labour.

Answer 18.
Albert Sweitzer took great pains to get together the instruments, the drugs, the bandages and all the other articles needed in the primeval forest. This shows his sincere dedication for his service.

Answer 19.
Ooty, the mysty haven is nestled among the mountains valleys of the Nilgiri Hills, ranging part of Tamil Nadu. The view of the valley was breathtaking and phogenic. The journey by mountain railway from Mettupalayam to the Nilgiri Hills was really enchanting.

Clean and pristine, enchanting and hypnotizing, this valley is filled with scenic beauty and culture. As you pass by, you feel the cool fog touching you with its tender arms. The tall Eucaliptus tress growing rich on either side give us a soothing experience. The valley seems to be passing very close by. The train itself is designed in such a way that the whole panoramic beauty is visible as if on a canvas.

Mountains and forests intersperse and the drive is radically different as it has long winding tracks, monkeys lumbering down trees for crumbs and astonishing valley views that jump up every few minutes to surprise you. The cliffs and the narrow tracks are sometimes dangerous. One must be very cautious not to get out of the speeding train.

The climate also may be found extreme, especially to people from Kerala.
Ooty can be aptly called the abode of Tamil Nadu’s centre of attraction. The evergreen forests and tea plantations wrapped in rising mists, shimmering in every shade of green, blue and brown engulfs your senses only to calm them a moment but later welcome to Ooty, where nature still has her roots deeply set in.

Answer 20.
a. Rupali Tharun, Pranavam,
5/15 High Street, Alappuzha.
30th May 2016
The Editor,
The City Cronide,

Dear Sir,
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the public and the authorities to a very important concern of Kerala. The water in most of our rivers is highly polluted. The pollution of river water is caused by the dumping of untreated sewage and industrial wastes. In addition to sewage and industrial wastes, pollution is also caused by other human activities like bathing, washing of clothes, animals etc. The industries also discharge chemical effluents into the river water. The toxicity of these chemical effluents kills the fish in many parts of the river. Pollutions also leads to scarcity of pure drinking water.

1 shall be happy if you could project this problem through the valuable pages of your newspaper. Hope, the Government would take note of the matter and take some drastic steps to adopt measures to prevent water pollution.

Yours truly,
Sd /-
Rupali Tharun.

b. Rupali Tharun, Pranavam,
5/15 High Street, Alappuzha.
30th May 2016
The Editor,
The City Cronicle,

Dear Sir,
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, 1 would like to draw the attention of the public to a matter of great importance in the present day. In today’s global world, the importance of English can not be denied since English is the most common language spoken everywhere. With the help of developing technology, English has been playing a major role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, and education, which, in my opinion, is the most important arena where English is needed. Particularly, as a developing country, India needs to make use of this world-wide spoken language in order to prove its international power. How can one improve one’s fluency in English? Of all techniques, Reading comes first. But now-a-days the habit of reading is getting diminished, especially with the introduction of smart phones, tabs and the growing accessibility of internet. But people have to realise that it is only reading that empowers the learning of english.

I shall be happy if you could project this thought through the valuable pages of your newspaper. Hope, that everyone would take note of the matter and adopt some drastic measures to improve reading habit.

Yours truly,
Rupali Tharun.

Answer 21.
a. Effective management of Disasters Disasters, both natural and man made, have become a challenge for all humanity and people become vulnerable as the intensity and frequency increase, ft affects both developing . and developed countries equally.
There are both direct and indirect impacts for disasters like destruction and death, failure of lifeline support systems, severe stress experienced by health care and hospitals, disturbance in commercial and economic activities etc. which make the situation drastic. The poor sections are the most affected usually.

There are many causes for disasters. Defects in the construction of building are the major reasons for high risk due to disasters. The scenaro in the developing countries is worse as only 30% buildings are constructed in accordance with rules. Lack of master- plan and inferior quality of building materials also aggravate the situation.

We cannot avert or avoid disasters. But we can adopt measures to mitigate the gravity. Destruction can be minimized if private and public buildings adhere to master plan and constructed in accordance with rules and good quality materials are used. Existing buildings also should be technically assessed and people concerned are to be informed. Purpose of management in India is not prevention, but reduction of impact.

State government plays major role and should ensure effective functioning of state level committee. Central government has got only a facilitating role i.e to coordinate crisis management committee and provide support like defense services, air dropping, rescuing, searching, transport of relief goods, conveyance etc. Rehabilitation of victims is an integral part of disaster management.

Disasters are non- routine events and therefore need non- routine responses for effective management. Proper coordination among different departments is needed to bring speedy relief. Rescue teams should have additional skills, and should be equipped with latest technology.

b. Increasing rate of natural disasters in India. Disasters, both natural and man made, have become a challenge for all humanity and people become vulnerable as the intensity and

frequency increase. It affects both developing and developed countries equally.
Floods are becoming more common and droughts the deadliest; especially in India, China and Bangladesh. India is highly prone to disasters because of its geographical location and geological formation, long coastline, snow-clad peaks, high mountain ranges, and perennial rivers and as it has only 2% of worlds geographical area but has to support 18% population, and naturally pressure on natural resources lead to disasters. Landslides, floods, droughts, earthquakes, heat waves, hailstorms, cyclones, heavy winds, soil erosion, sea erosion, tsunami are the different kinds of disasters in India. Tsunami of 2004, Bhopal gas tragedy, Gujarat earthquake in 2001, Mumbai- Gujarat floods in 2005, Utterakhand flash floods and hurricane Phailin in 2013 are some of the major disasters that hit our country.

There are both direct and indirect impacts for disasters like destruction and death, failure of lifeline support systems, severe stress experienced by health care and hospitals, disturbance in commercial and economic activities etc. which make the situation drastic. The poor sections are the most affected usually. Destruction can be minimized if everyone adheres to the rules and take initiatives for reduction of disasters. Purpose of management in India is not prevention, but reduction of impact.

State government plays major role and should ensure effective functioning of state level committee. Central government has got only a facilitating role i.e to coordinate crisis management committee and provide support like defense services, air dropping, rescuing, searching, transport of relief goods, conveyance’etc. Rehabilitation of victims is an integral part of disaster management.

Disasters are non- routine events and therefore need non- routine responses for effective management. Proper coordination among different departments is needed to bring speedy relief. Rescue teams should have additional skills, and should be equipped with latest technology

Answer 22.
William Blake’s poem ‘Night’ begins by looking at the setting sun and sees the evening star. Like the birds now quiet in their nest, , too, must go to bed. She sees the moon as shining indulgently on the earth at sleep.

The poet says farewell to the daytime and the green fields and groves where sheep have grazed. Now, where the lambs grazed angels .tread, blessing everything that is growing and sleeping. The angels’ activities are presented beautifully. They check nests; they check on all the animals, keeping them from harm and give sleep to any in distress, keeping watch by their bed. They weep when they find wolves and tigers howling for prey and try to drive away their hunger. If these beasts nevertheless catch their prey, the angels take the dead animals to a new life which is admittedly heaven.

At last, the poet express the nature of this new life or in a sense’ new worlds’. It is a place of universal peace in which ‘the lion will lie down with the lamb’. The lion asserts the gentle humility and wholesome purity of Christ as we see in the line the ‘him who bore thy name’ i.e. the Lamb of God, has driven out anger and sickness from this new place of endless day. The lion is now no longer the predator but the guard/shepherd. He can lie down beside the lamb and sleep, or think about Jesus’ sufferings, full of tenderness towards the bleating, gentle lamb.

The poem draws on pastoral imagery, looking at harmony between nature and human beings. The contrasts of day, followed by night, followed by eternal day, stress only the positive aspects of each which could be seen as demonstrating the inadequacy of innocence. Blake also employs a wealth of biblical allusion.

In the poem ‘Night’, William Blake uses mainly figurative language, rhyme Contents and literary elements such as simile and metaphor. Tone and speaker both change as the poem develops. The main aspect of this poem goes along with the poetry style of William Blake, which usually involves biblical terms and references to angels.

Plus One English Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

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