Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Paper 4

Kerala Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Paper 4

Time: 2 Hours
Cool off time: 15 Minutes
Maximum: 60 Scores

  • There is a ‘cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2 hrs.
  • Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read questions carefully before you answering.
  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Malayalam version of the questions is also provied.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except non programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

Plus Two Computer Application Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

Part A

Answer all questions from 1 to 5
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4A

Question 1.
Name any two data type modifiers in C+ +.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q1

Question 2.
Define the term “array traversal”.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q2

Question 3.
Which tag is used for hyperlinking in HTML ?
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q3

Question 4.
What is SCM ?
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q4

Question 5.
Write the full form of OFDMA.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q5

Part B

Answer any nine questions from 6 to 16
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4B

Question 6.
Write C++ statement to declare and initialise an array in the following situations.
a. An array of 5 unit prices 18.50, 27.5, 19.00, 12.50, 10.75.
b. An array with letters ‘WELCOME’.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q6

Question 7.
Write the output of the following C+ + code.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q7

  1. char S1 [10], S2 [10] = “welcome”;
    strcpy(S1, S2);
  2. char S1 [20] = “welcome”;
    char S2 [20] = “to C+ + ”;
    strcat(S1, S2):

Question 8.
Differentiate ‘static’ and ‘dynamic’ webpages.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q8

Question 9.
Name any two attribute of <html> tag with use.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q9

Question 10.
What is the use of FTP client Software ?
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q10

Question 11.
Define the following terms in DBMS.
a. Cardinality
b. Domain
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q11

Question 12.
Categorise the following SQL commands into DDL and DML.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q12

Question 13.
What is BPR ?
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q13

Question 14.
Explain the role of “System testing” in the implementation of ERP.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q14

Question 15.
What is the use of RFID ?
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q15

Question 16.
Compare GPRS and EDGE technologies.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q16

Part C

Answer any nine questions from 17 to 27
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4C

Question 17.
Write the output of the following code segment in C+ + .
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q17
int sum = 0;
int a[ ] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
for (int i = 0; i<5; i = i + 2)
sum = sum+a [ i ];

Question 18.
Explain the use of following built in functions in C+ + .
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q18
i. abs( )
ii. sqrt( )
iii. pow( )

Question 19.
Compare call by value and call by reference method in C+ + ..
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q19

Question 20.
Write a short note on “Java Server Pages’’.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q20

Question 21.
Name the three attribute of <MARQUEE> with its use.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q21
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q21.1

Question 22.
Consider the following JavaScript Code.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q22
<SCRIPT language = “JavaScript”>
var i, s;
for (i=1; i<= 10; i+ + )
s = i * i;
a. What will be the output of the program?
b. What is the use of <SCRIPT> tag ?
c. Write the output statement used in the above code.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q22.1

Question 23.
Explain three type of “web hosting”,
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q23

Question 24.
Distinguish alternate key and foreign key.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q24

Question 25.
Explain the different levels of data abstraction in DBMS.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q25

Question 26.
Explain any three column constraints in SQL.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q26

Question 27.
Consider the table ITEM with the fields Item code, Item name, Price. Write sql queries.
a. To Display the maximum and minimum price of items.
b. To remove all records where price < 1000.
c. To display the number of recods in the table.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q27

Part D

Answer any two questions from 28 to 30
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4D

Question 28.
Consider the C++ program to find the sum of first 10 natural numbers and answer the following questions.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q28
# include<iostream>
using namespace std;
int main( )
int n, sum = 0;
for (int i=1; i<= 10; i+ + )
sum = sum +i;
cout<<“sum is = ”<<sum;
a. Rewrite the above program using do- while loop.
b. What will be output of the above program if we replace i+ + with i = i + 2 in the for loop ?
c. What is the purpose of # include <iostream> ?
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q28.1
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q28.2

Question 29.
a. Name the HTML tag to create checkbox, textbox and radio box.
b. Write HTML statement to create the texbox with maximum length 25 and size 30.
c. Write HTML statement to create a submit button with caption “login”.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q29

Question 30.
Consider the JavaScript code to display the square of first 10 numbers using the code answer the following.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q30
<SCRIPT language = “JavaScript”>
var i, s;
for (i=1; i<=10; i+ + )
s=i*i; .
a. Rewrite the above program using while loop.
b. Modify the above program to print the first 10 even numbers.
Plus Two Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 4Q30.1


Answer 1.
Signed, short

Answer 2.
Accessing each element of the array atleast once is called array traversal.

Answer 3.
<A> tag

Answer 4.
Supply Chain Management (SCM) consists of all activities associated with moving goods from the supplier to the customer. It begins with collecting raw material and ends with delivering goods to customer.

Answer 5.
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access

Answer 6.
a. float price [ 5 ] = {18.50, 27.5, 19.00, 12.50, 10.75};
b. char ar [ 7 ] = {‘W, ‘E, L’, ‘C’, ‘O’, ‘M’, ‘E’};

Answer 7.

  1. welcome
  2. welcometo C+ +

Answer 8.
Static websites:

  1. The content and layout of a web page is fixed.
  2. Static web pages never use databases.
  3. Static web pages directly run on the browser and do not require any server side application program.
  4. Static web pages are easy to develop.

Dynamic websites:

  1. The content and layout may change during run time.
  2. Database is used to generate dynamic content through queries.
  3. Dynamic web page runs on the server side application program and displays the results.
  4. Dynamic web page development re-quires programming skills.

Answer 9.
Dir, Lang.

Answer 10.
FTP is used to transfer files from one computer to another on the Internet. FTP client software establishes a connection with a remote server and is used to transfer files from our computer to the server computer.

Answer 11.
a. Cardinality is the number of rows or tuples in a relation.
b. The set of possible values for a column (attribute) is called domain.

Answer 12.

Answer 13.
BPR is the analysis and redesign of work flow in an enterprise. It deals with changes in the structure and process of business. Re-engineering helps to reduce cost and effective use of resources. Business process re-engineering is a key component of ERP success.

Answer 14.
The software is tested to ensure that it performs properly from both the technical and functional areas of an enterprise. The validity of output can be determined with the help of sample data. If any mistakes are found out at this stage, it should be corrected before the operation of ERP system.

Answer 15.
RFID gives transportation and logistics operations increased visibility into product movement and business process. It increases efficiency by providing real-time data that gives up-to-date information about the products. RFID based business logistic softwares help to lower the operating costs, increase productivity in the distribution centers, maximize on-time deliveries and improve customer service and satisfaction.

Answer 16.
GPRS (General Packet Radio Services) is a packet oriented mobile data service on the 2G on GSM. EDGE (Enchanced Data rates for GSM Evolution) is three times faster than GPRS. It is used for voice communication as well as an internet connection.

Answer 17.

Answer 18.

  1. abs( ). It is used to find the absolute value of an integer. It takes an integer as the argument (+ve or -ve) and returns the absolute value.
  2. sqrt( ). It is used to find the square root of a number. The argument to this function can be of type int, float or double. The function returns the non-negative square root of the argument.
  3. pow( ). This function is used to find the power of a number. It takes two arguments x and y. The argument of type int, float or double.

Answer 19.
Call by value method:

  1. Ordinary variables are used as formal parameters.
  2. Actual parameters may be constants, variables or expressions.
  3. The changes made in the formal arguments are not reflected in actual arguments.
  4. Exclusive memory allocation is required for the formal arguments.

Call by reference method:

  1. Reference variables are used as formal parameters.
  2. Actual parameters will be variables only.
  3. The changes made in the formal arguments are reflected in actual arguments.
  4. Memory of actual arguments is shared by formal arguments.

Answer 20.
It is a technology provides a simple and fast way to create dynamic web content. It uses Java as programming language. JSP files have the extension .jsp. To run JSP, Apache Tomcat web server is required. The JSP code consisting of HTML and Java is executed on the web server and the resulting HTML code is sent to the browser. JSP is an integral part of Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE).

Answer 21.
Height: Sets the height of the marquee in pixels or in percentage of browser window height.
Width: This specifies the width of the marquee in pixels or in percentage of browser window’s width value.
Direction: This specifies ttie direction in which marquee should scroN. This can have a value like up, down, left or right.
Direction: This specifies ttie direction in which marquee should scroN. This can have a value like up, down, left or right.

Answer 22.
a. 1
b. <SCRIPT> tag is used to specify the name of the scripting language used.
c. document.write(s); document.write(“<BR>”);

Answer 23.
1. Shard web hosting:
It is the most common type of web hosting. It is referred to as shared because many different wesites are stored on one single web server and they share resources like RAM and CPU. The features available on shared web servers are generally basic and are not flexible to suit a website that require specific features.
2. Dedicated web hosting:
It is the hosting where the client leases the entire web server and all its resources. The web server is not shared with any other website. Dedicated servers provide guaranteed performance, but they are very expensive. Since the bandwidth is not shared with other websites, it speeds up the access of the website. If the client is allowed to place their own purchased web server in the service providers facility, then it is called co-location.
3. Virtual Private Server (VPS):
It is a physical server that is virtually partitioned into several servers using the virtualization technology. Each VPS works similar to a dedicatd server and has its own separate server operating system, web server soft-ware and packages. VPS provides dedicated amount of RAM for each virtual web server. Each of these VPS works as a fully independent web server. VPS are provided with the rights to install and configure any software on their VPS.

Answer 24.
Alternate key: A candidate key that is not primary key is called alternate key. In the case of two or more candidate keys, only one of them can serve as the primary key. The rest of them are alternate key.
Foreign key: A key in a table can be called j foreign key if it is a primary key in another table. Since a foreign key can be used to link two or more tables it is also called a reference key.

Answer 25.
1. Physical level:
It is the lowest level of abstraction. The physical level describes complex low level data structures in detail. We must decide what file organisations are to be used to store the relations and create auxiliary data structures, called indexes, to speed up data retrieved operations.
2. Logical level:
It is the next higher level of abstraction describes what data is stored in the database, and what relation¬ship exist among those data. It describes : the entire database in terms of a small i number of relatively simple structures. The user of the logical level does not need to ‘ be aware of the complexity. Logical level ; is also referred as conceptual level.
3. View level:
It is the highest level of data-base abstraction and is closest to the users. It is concerned with the way in which 5 individual users view the data. It describes J only a part of the entire database. Most of i the users are not concerned with all the information that is contained in the data-base.

Answer 26.

  1. NOT NULL: It specifies that a column can never have NULL values. NULL is a keyword that represents an empty value. Two NULL values cannot be added, subtracted and compared.
  2. AUTO_INCREMENT: It performs an autoincrement feature. By default, the starting value for this constraint is 1 and will be incremented by 1 for each new record. Only one AUTO_INCREMENT column per table is allowed.
  3. UNIQUE: It ensures that no two rows have the same value in the column specified with the constraint.

Answer 27.
a. SELECT MAX (Price), MIN (Price) FROM ITEM;

Answer 28.
a. # include<iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ( )
int n, sum = 0, i = 0;
sum = sum + i;
i+ + ;
} while (i<= 10)
cout<<“sum is = ”<<sum;
b. 25
c. # include statement, the pre-processor directive to attach a header file to provide information about predefined identifiers and functions used in the program.

Answer 29.
a. <INPUT>
b. <INPUT Type = “text” Name = “age” Size = “30” Maxlength = “25” >
c. <INPUT Type = “Submit” Value= “login”>

Answer 30.
a. <SCRIPT language = “JavaScript”>
var i = 1, s;
while (i<= 10)
s=i * i;
i+ + ;
b. <SCRIPT language = “JavaScript”>
var i;
for (i=2; i< = 10; i+2)

Plus Two Computer Application Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

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