Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power

Kerala Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power

Question 1.
The following are 3 pillars of ASEAN community. Identify the name of the remaining two pillars.
Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power 1
2. ASEAN Economic Community
3. ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community

Question 2.
After the cold war period there are different developments to control US hegemony. The following are
Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power 2
2. European Union

Question 3.
Identify the flags associated with ASEAN and European Union.
Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power 3
A. European Union

Question 4.
Identify the headquarters of ASEAN
1. New Delhi
2. Geneva
3. Jakarta
4. Washington D.C
3. Jakarta

Question 5
Arrange the following in chronological order
1. China’s accession to WTO
2. Establishment of the EEC
3. Establishment of the EU
4. Birth of ARF
2, 3, 4, 1


Question 6.
The ASEAN way
a) Reflects the life style of ASEAN members
b) A form of interaction among ASEAN members that is informal and co- operative.
c) The defense policy followed by the ASEAN members
d) The road that connects all the ASEAN members
b) A form of interaction among ASEAN members that is informal and co- operative.

Question 7.
Who among the following adopted an ‘open door policy’?
a) China
b) European Union
c) Japan
d) USA
a) China

Question 8.
Which among the following countries adopted an “open door policy” ?
China, European Union, Japan, USA

Question 9.
Identify the currency of European Union (EU)Dollar, Pound, Euro, Mark

Question 10.
Arrange the following in chronological order,
a) Birth of ARF
b) Establishment of EU
c) Chinese accession to WTO
d) Formation of ASEAN
a. Formation ofASEAN-1967
b. Establishment of EU-1992
c. Birth of ARF-1994
d. ’ Chinese Accession to WTO-2001


Question 11.
Fill in the blanks.
1. The border conflict between China and India in 1962 was principally over and regionwith security…………
2. ARF was established in the year ……………..
3. China entered into bilateral relations with …………….. (a major country) in 1972.
4 ………..plan influenced the establishment of the organization for European Economic Corporation in 1948.
5. …………is the organization of ASEAN that deals
1. Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh
3. America
4. Marshall
5. A.R.F.

Question 12.
Zhou Enlai’s Four modernization reforms:
Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power 4
b. Technological and Military

Question 13.
Recently some news papers reported that the Chinese forces are slowly making intrusion into the Indian territory. This news created some suspicion and troubles in relation with China. Do you think that China is trying to establish permanent control over the Indian territory? Express your opinion about IndoChina relations.
Before Western imperialism came, India and China were the two most powerful countries of Asia, There was hardly any dispute between them. Between the two countries there were only limited political and cultural relations. Because of that, forming a foreign policy was difficult.

When India gained its freedom from Britain and China ousted its foreign powers, everybody thought these two big countries would have better relations and Asia would be much benefited. In those days there was the famous slogan ‘Hindi-Chini Bhai-Bhai”. But constant border disputes destroyed those dreams of cooperation. Here are the reasons for the two countries to have such unfriendly attitudes.

In 1950, China annexed Tibet and the Sino-lndian borders were decided.In 1962, China claimed some portions of Arunachal Pradesh and the Aksai Chin region from Ladakh. In the 1962 Indo-China War, India suffered military setbacks. Until 1976, diplomatic relations between the two countries were minimal In the 1970s. the foreign policy of the then Prime Minister of China Chou-en-Lai helped in the betterment of Indo-China relations. In 1981 mutual talks were organized. Their policies now are also dependent on the economic aspect. Both countries have to play major roles in the economic and political scene of Asia.

In 1988, Rajiv Gandhi visited China, The purpose behind it was maintaining peace on the border. Both parties felt that there should be cooperation between the two countries, especially in scientific and technological matters. Four border posts were opened for trade purposes. Deng Xiao Ping’s Open Door Policy’ helped friendly relations between the two countries grow.

Trade between India and China amounted to 18 billion dollars in 2006, whereas it was only 338 lakhs in 1992. Both the countries have agreed to cooperate and work together in organizations like the WTO.

When India tested its atomic device in 1998, China helped Pakistan to make its nuclear weapons. This, as well as China’s military alliance with Bangladesh and Myanmar, is against the interests of India. But none of these led to any serious dispute.In the border matters, talks are still going on. Leaders of both countries exchange visits, in travel, communication and economic matters, the situation has improved greatly.


Question 14.
Nandana European Union emerged as an alternative centre of power against US hegemony.
Nandu :- ‘No, It is an institution developed as a part of Marshall plan for reviving European economy through cooperation among the European countries. Evaluate the above statements and express your opinion about European Union.
After the WW II, many European countries faced serious financial crises. European leaders met together to find out ways of conning out of this problem. At this time the Cold War between the US and USSR had started. America gave a lot of financial help to Europe. It is known as the Marshall Plan. Under NATO, America also signed a security treaty.

In 1948, under the Marshal Plan, “European Economic Cooperation” was founded. Its aim was to help West European countries. It became a fellowship and the member countries decided to cooperate in trade and other economic problems. For political cooperation, in 1949, “Council of Europe” was established. The unity among members finally led to the formation of European Economic Community in 1957. The coming of the European Parliament made the organization very strong. The disintegration of the USSR quickened the pace of the growth of the European Union which was established in 1992.

It helped in having a common foreign policy, law and justice and internal affairs. It also brought out a common currency the “Euro”, European Union became the world largest’ economic system. According to the statistics of 2005, their GDP was 12 trillion dollars. This is more than the economy of America. Euro is stronger than American dollar. EU has become an important part of the WTO. European Union has great political and diplomatic importance. Britain and France which are its members have permanent membership in the UN Security Council. Therefore the EU can influence in the formation of important policies. For example, the nuclear programme of Iran. Militarily EU has the second position in the world. Britain and France are also nuclear powers. In space research and communication, the EU occupies the second place.

The resistance against the US hegemony emerged not only in developed countries (EU) but also in developing countries. Identify this Organisation and prepare a short note about its objectives and functions.

ASEAN. The South Eastern Asian countries had to suffer the economic and political consequences of the colonialism by Europe and Japan. After the WW II, poverty and economic backwardness forced these countries to join one of the superpowers. Then there was the Bandung Conference and Non-Aligned Movement came into existence. Even then problems were not solved. Therefore these countries joined together and formed an organization called ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations).

It was formed in1967. Five countries – Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand – , signed the Bangkok Declaration. Later Brunei Darussalam (1984), Vietnam (1985), Myanmar (1997) and Cambodia (1999) became members of ASEAN.
Aims: Quickening economic growth, bring about social and cultural development. Bring about regional peace according to the UN laws, and establish stability.

Additional Questions

Question 1.
What are the three pillars of ASEAN? What are its objectives?
The three pillars of ASEAN are ASEAN Secure Society, ASEAN Economic Society and ASEAN Social and Cultural society. ASEAN Secure Society envisages amicable settlements of disputes without going into armed conflicts and wars. The ASEAN Economic Community aims at a common market and common manufacturing system, helping the financial and economic development of the member countries. The aim of the ASEAN Social and Cultural Society is the cooperation among nations in social and cultural spheres.


Question 2.
What are the objectives of establishing regional organization?

  • Economic development
  • A venue to solve mutual problems.
  • Common security
  • Collective bargaining
  • Social and cultural exchange

Question 3.
How does geographical proximity influence the formation of regional organizations?
Geographical closeness influences the formation of regional organizations. On the basis of geographical closeness, there is the possibility of increased friendship and cooperation. Such fraternity and goodwill help in the formation of regional organizations. Because of geographical unity, it is easy to maintain the common traditions, habits, culture and interests. Even the problems the members face will be similar in nature. Moreover such fraternity and cooperation among neighbours help in the growth of trade and commercial activities among them.

Question 4.
What are the components of the ASEAN vision 2020?
ASEAN came into existence in 1967. Its “Vision 2020” defines the entry of ASEAN into the international society. It is hoped that through Vision 2020, ASEAN will grow into a strong economic power and it will be able to exercise much influence in international matters.

Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers

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