Attraction and Repulsion Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus

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Basic Science Class 6 Chapter 7 Attraction and Repulsion Question Answer Notes

Basic Science Class 6 Chapter 7 Question Answer Notes Attraction and Repulsion

Attraction and Repulsion Class 6 Notes Questions and Answers

Let Us Assess

Question 1.
Of two identical substances, one is an iron piece and the other is a magnet. How do you distinguish between the two?
Suspend iron piece and magnet in separate threads. Magnet piece always aligns in the nort-south direction. Iron piece not aligns in that direction.

Question 2.
Two bar magnets remain attracted. One pole is marked. Mark the other poles.
Attraction and Repulsion Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus Img 1
Attraction and Repulsion Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus Img 2

Question 3.
Which of the following magnets is used in a speaker?
Attraction and Repulsion Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus Img 3
D-ring magnet.


Question 1.
What is an attraction
Attraction is the process between objects being drawn towards each other.

Question 2.
What is repulsion?
Repulsion is the process between objects being pushes away each other.

Attraction and Repulsion Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus

Question 3.
Whenever there is a strong wind, the front door of Neenu’s house usually bangs against the wall. Neenu and her brother managed to get some objects and they fixed them on the portion connecting the wall and the door. Now if the door is opened, it remains close to the wall itself and door doesn’t bang against the wall itself.
a) Some objects are given below. Can you suggest the objects they used to fix the problem?
Set I – Wooden block, gum Set III- two magnets Set II- Magnet, Iron piece Set IV – bricks
b) What trick have both done there?
a) Set II-Magnet and Iron piece

b) They used the magnet and Iron piece to fix the problem. The Iron piece may be fixed on the wall and the magnet on the door or the iron piece may be fixed on the door and magnet on the wall. Since magnet attracts the iron piece. So that the door will not bang against the wall.

Magnets that attract

Question 1.
What is a magnet ?
A Magnet is a metallic object which attracts iron or magnetic things.

Question 2.
Name the objects which are attracted by magnets?
Safety pins, Iron nail, blade, Keys

Question 3.
Ramu bring safety pin close to a magnet. What will happened?
Magnet attracts the safety pin. It got attached to the magnet.

Question 4.
What are the peculiarities of a magnet?

  • Magnet have two poles
  • There are different types of magnets
  • Magnets produce a force
  • Not all metals are magnetic

Those that attract and those that do not

Question 1.
You are provided with following objects Hinges, different coins, Screwdriver, compass, stainless steel utensil, Aluminum wire, copper wire, pen, rubber, glass piece, spoon, gem clip, plastics.
Arrange the materials into those which are attracted by a magnet and not attracted by a magnet.
Attracted by magnet: Hinges different coins, Screwdriver, Compass, gem clip Not attracted by magnet : Stainless steel, Aluminum wire, pen, rubber, glass piece, spoon, plastic.

Question 2.
Write the name of some objects which are not attracted by magnets?
Wooden piece, Plastic, Thermocol, Rubber

Question 3.
What do you mean by magnetic substances? Give examples?
Substances attracted by magnet are called magnetic substances.
Eg: Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, Steel

Attraction and Repulsion Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus

Question 4.
What are non-magnetic substances?
Substances not attracted by magnets are called non-magnetic substances.

Question 5.
Is rubber magnetic or non-magnetic substance? Why?
Rubber is a non-magnetic substance, because it is not attracted by a magnet.

Question 6.
Cobalt is a magnetic substance why?
Yes, Because cobalt is attracted by a magnet.

Question 7.
Arrange the following into magnetic and non magnetic substances
Wooden piece, Rubber band, Steel, Nickel, Theremocol
Magnetic substances : Steel, Nickel
Non-Magnetic Substances : Wooden piece,
rubber band Thermocol

Question 8.
Who discovered magnet?
A greek sheperd named magnus

Question 9.
The rock which is capable of attracting iron is …………..?

Question 10.
Which is the natural magnet?
Magnetite/Lodes tone

Question 11.
Lodestone is also called ?

Question 12.
What do you mean by natural magnet and artificial magnet? Give examples?
Natural magnets are those that can be found in the natural world.
eg :Lodestone
Artificial magnets are those that can be
created by humans
eg: Magnets made using Iron and Steel.


Question 1.
Are All magnets of the same size and shape?
No, All magnets are of different size and shapes

Question 2.
Name the different types of magnets?
Bar magnet, U Magnet, Disc Magnet, Ring magnet, Arc magnet and cylindrical magnet

Question 3.
What is a bar magnet?
A bar magnet is a rectangular piece of an object made up of iron or steel.

Question 4.
Write down the uses of a bar magnet?
Bar magnets are uses as stirrers in labs for magnetic experiments

Question 5.
U Magnet is called ………….?
Horseshoe Magnet

Question 6.
Which magnet is strong bar magnet or U- magnet?
U-Magnet is strong.

Attraction and Repulsion Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus

Question 7.
What is the use of U-Magnet?
Used for producing electricity in electric bell or other equipment.

Question 8.
What is the use of disc magnet?
Disc magnets are used in holding applications as door of kitchen cabins

Question 9.
What is a disc magnet ?
It is a type of magnet that is shaped like a disc.

Question 10.
What is a ring magnet?
Ring magnets are magnets that have a central hole

Question 11.
What is the uses of ring magnets?
It is used in variety of application from science experiments to medical equipment. It is used in speakers.

Question 12.
What are the uses of arc magnets?
Arc magnets are used in electric motors, generators sensors and holding applications.

Question 13.
What is a cylindrical magnet?
Cylindrical magnets are long, circular magnets

Question 14.
Write down the uses of cylindrical magnets?
They are used in medical sensors, read switches meters and holding applications

Question 15.
Name artificial magnets?
Bar magnet, U Magnet, Disc magnet, Ring magnet, Arc Magnet, Cylindrical magnet.

Question 16.
What do you mean by ‘alnico’?
alnico is an alloy of aluminum, nickel, cobalt and iron

Question 17.
What are the substances used for making magnets?
alnico, neodymium and samarium

Question 18.
The alloy of aluminum nickel, cobalt and iron is a substance used for making magnets. What is its name?

Uses of magets

Question 1.
What are the different purposes for which magnets are used?
Magnets are used for different magnetic purposes. Magnets are used in magnetic compass, doorbells, refrigerator, dynamos, loudspeakers, microphones etc. Magnets are used in speakers, mobile phones and head phones.

Question 2.
Find out the devices that make use of magnets in your home ?
Television, Radio, Mobile phone, headphone, electric motor, grinder etc.,

Attraction and Repulsion Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus

Question 3.
What may be the reason for keeping big speakers in sound boxes and small ones in headphones?
A big speaker have a large magnet which is used to produce a large sound. But in a headphone a small magnet is used to produce low sound to one person only.

Question 4.
Do both the big speakers in sound boxes and small ones in headphones need sounds of the same loudness?
No, big speakers produce large sound but headphones produce low sound to one person only.

Question 5.
When a person addresses a crowd, which speaker would be ideal?
Loud speaker is ideal for a person addresses a crowd.

Question 6.
Why do magnets differ in shapes?
The shape and size of magnets differ according to the device in which they are placed.

Question 7.
Which magnets are used in mini motors?
Arc shaped magnets or ring tube magnets.

Question 8.
The magnets used in speakers …………..?
Ring magnets

When magnets attract

Question 1.
How can we collect iron dust from our surroundings?
Wrap a magnet using cloth or paper and drag it along the soil of the courtiyard. A black powder sticking on to it. This black powder is iron dust, Likewise we can collect iron dust from our surrounding.

Question 2.
It is advised to wrap the magnet before collecting iron powder why ?
It is advised to wrap the magnet before collecting iron powder, because it is difficult to separate iron powder that is stuck to a magnet.

Question 3.
How can we collect iron dust from workshops specializing in iron works?
Wrap a magnet using a cloth or paper and drag it along the floor of workshops. We can see a black powder sticking on to it. Likewise we can collect iron dust from workshops specializing in iron works.

Question 4.
Write an activity to prove the attracting power of a magnet is not the same on all sides?
Aim : To check the attractive power of the magnet is not same on all sides of the magnet.
Materials required : Iron dust, magnets of different shapes, thin plastic paper, polythene paper, a chart paper of A4 size.
Activity : Sprinkle Iron dust loosely on the chart paper. Suspend each magnet using a thread and bring it near the iron dust.
Observation : More Iron dust is sticking at the ends.
Inference : Attractive force or magnetic force is strongly felt at the poles.

Question 5.
Does the iron powder stick evenly to all parts of the magnet when we sprinkle iron dust loosely on the chart paper and bring a bar magnet near the iron dust? In which part is it sticking more? In which part is it less?
No, The iron dust is sticking, at the end portions of the bar magnet. The iron dust is sticking very less at the middle of magnet, and more at the end portions of magnet.

Question 6.
What do you mean by poles of the magnet?
The end portions of a magnet where magnetic force is strongly felt are the poles of the magnet.

Question 7.
Magnetic force ……….at the poles of the magnet?

Question 8.
Do all magnets have poles?
All magnets have poles

Question 9.
What are the 2 poles of a magnet?
North pole and south pole

When a magnet is suspended

Question 1.
Does a freely suspended magnet remain in one particular direction always! Prove this with the help of an activity?
Aim : To prove a freely suspended magnet remain in one particular direction always.
Materials required: Four bar magnets, thread, scale.
Activity: Take a bar magnet and suspend it horizontally using a thread in such a way that it is balanced ensure that there are no magnetic substances near by.
Observation: When a magnet comes to rest at its poles in north south direction. S marked end points to south and N marked end points to North.
Inference : Magnet freely suspended in the North South direction

Question 2.
Are all the magnets at rest in the same direction? which is the direction?
All magnets are at rest in the same direction. North South direction.

Question 3.
S denotes ………… of the bar magnet?
South pole

Attraction and Repulsion Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus

Question 4.
N denotes ……….. pole of a bar magnet?
North pole

Question 5.
A freely suspended magnet come to rest in …………. direction?
North-South direction

Question 6.
What are the uses of north-south directive property of magnets?
In ships to find the direction
To know the direction inside a forest To know the direction in building a house

Question 7.
What do you mean by the directive property of a magnet?
If we suspend a magnet freely in the air it always aligns itself in the geographic north- south direction. This is called directive property of magnet.

Question 8.
Imagine that you are standing in a unknown place. You can’t see the sun due to the rains. Can you find out the directions with the help of a bar magnet? How will you find out the east side?
Yes we can find out the direction with the help of a bar magnet.
Suspend a magnet freely in the air it aligns in the north-south direction. N Marking on the magnet indicates North pole and S marking on the magnet indicates south pole. If your face is towards north then the right side will be towards south.

When poles come nearer

Question 1.
Does a magnet attract another magnet? Write an activity to prove it?
Aim : To prove whether a magnet attracts another magnet.
Materials required: Two magnets on which N and S are marked
Activity: Take two magnets on which N and S are marked. Place one of them on a surface. Bring the pole of the other magnet to the middle of this magnet.
Observation: The first magnet moves towards the second magnet.
Inference: Like poles repeles and unlike poles attracts. .

Question 2.
Place two magnets closer to each other. Which poles stick to each other?
When two magnets closer to each other unlike poles stick to each other. That is North and South poles.

Question 3.
Examine the figures given below? Which of them are correct?
Attraction and Repulsion Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus Img 4
The figures (a) and (c) are correct.

Question 4.
What happens if the poles are brought near to each other as shown in the figure given below?
Attraction and Repulsion Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus Img 5
In figure (a) unlike poles are brought near so that they attracts each other.
In figure (b) like poles are brought near so that they repels each other.
In figure (c) like poles are brought near so that they reples each other.

Question 5.
What will happens if N pole of a magnet bought near to the N pole of another magnet? why?
When N pole of a magnet brought near to the N pole of another magnet it repels Because unlike poles of a magnet repels each other.

Question 6.
Complete the below given table
Attraction and Repulsion Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus Img 6

Situations of attraction Situations of repulsion
North pole -South Pole South Pole -North pole North pole – North pole South Pole-South Pole

Question 7.
Which poles attract each other when the magnets are brought near?
When magnets brought near north pole and south pole attracts each other.

Attraction and Repulsion Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus

Question 8.
What do you mean by like poles and unlike poles of a magnet?
Poles of the same type in magnets are the like poles and those of the opposite poles are the unlike poles. Like poles of magnets repel each other whereas unlike poles attract each other.

Question 9.
Which pole of the magnet is strong?
The two ends of the magnet are equally strong. at the north pole and south pole.

Let’s make a magnet

Question 1.
Can you made a magnet using needle which is a magnetic substance?
Yes, Materials required: a powerful magnet, a big sewing needle and a blade Activity: Place a needle on a surface. Using one pole of the magnet rub the needle from one end to the other. Repeat the process by lifting the magnet and bringing it to the original position. Rub the needle 15-20 times. Bring this needle to blade. It is attracted by the needle.
Observation: Blade is attracted by the needle.
Inference : The needle acquired magnetism.

Question 2.
Can a magnetized needle be used in determining the poles of magnets of different shapes?
Suspend the needle using a thread in such a way that it is balanced. Bring a bar magnet near the needle. Due to attractive force between unlike poles, or repulsive force between like poles the poles of the magnet can be identified.

Question 3.
Can you find out the polarity of a magnetized needle?
Suspend a magnetized needle using a thread in such a way that it is balanced. Bring a bar magnet near the needle. Due to attractive force between unlike poles or due to repulsive force between like poles, the poles of the magnet can be identified.

Question 4.
Take a vessel filled with water and gently place magnetised blade on water so that it floats. In which direction the blade comes to rest?
The blade comes to rest in the north-South direction.

Question 5.
Can magnetic substances be made into magnets?
Yes, we can made magnetic substances into magnet.

Question 6.
What are the materials needed to make a magnet using a magnetic material?
A strong magnet and magnetic material and a blade

The range of attraction

Question 1.
Is the attractive power of the magnet same everywhere?

Question 2.
To what distance can a magnet attract other substances?
The attractive power of a magnet depends upon the strength of the magnet, nature of magnet nature of substances, the distance to which a magnet can exist its magnetic field.

Question 3.
What do you mean by magnetic field?
Magnetic field is the region around a magnetic material within which the force of magnetism acts

Question 4.
The unit of magnetic field is ………….?
Tesla (T)

Attraction and Repulsion Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus

Question 5.
Write an activity to check whether the attractive power of the magnet same everywhere?
Aim: To check whether the attractive power of the magnet same everywhere Materials required : Magnet, needle, scale and stand.
Activity : Suspend the needle using the thread in such a way that its is balanced. Place the scale on the table in such a way that one end of it is below the needle. Move the magnet on the scale from the other end to the side of the needle. Stop moving the magnet when the attractive force is felt on the needle measure the distance to the needle. Slowly ‘ move the magnet towards the needle. Observe the changes in the needle in each instance.

Observation: There is a change in the attractive force, As the magnet comes close to the needle it experiences a strong attractive force. The attractive force decreases when a magnet moves away from the needle.

Inference: Attractive power of a magnet is not same everywhere. As the distance between magnet and magnetic substance increases force of attraction decreases.

Question 6.
What is the relation between distance and attractive power of a magnet?
Distance inversely proportional to attractive power of a magnet. As the distance between a magnet and magnetic material increases the attractive power decreases.

Question 7.
When did the force of attraction of a needle and magnet at the maximum?
The force of attraction of a needle and a magnet is maximum when they are close to each other.

Question 8.
In which part of a magnet, the magnetic strength is maximum or stronger?
The magnetic strength is stronger at the regions near the poles.

Question 9.
Is the attractive power same for all magnets?

Question 10.
Write an activity to find out the extent of the magnetic field at a magnet?
Aim: To find out the extent of the magnetic field of a magnet.
Materials required: Bar magnet, Iron dust, A4 size chart paper, books
Activity : Place an A4 size chart paper on the table in such a way that the 2end sides paper must be placed between two books and centre portion must be seen. Sprinkle some iron dust over it loosely. Bring a magnet below the paper. Gently tap the paper. Observation : The iron dust arranged in a particular portion we can see more iron dust at the poles.
Inference: Magnetic strength is stronger at the regions near the poles-As the distance from the pole increases the magnetic strength decreases.

Attraction and Repulsion Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus

Question 11.
As the distance from the pole increases the magnetic strength ……………?
Decreases or Weakens

Let’s collect magnets

Question 1.
How will you design the following toys using magnets?
a) Doll that clings together.
b) A palm that is directed to the south only.
Collect magnets from toys, vanity bags, purse, speaker and mini motor.
a) Take 2 dolls, make holes in dolls and fix a. powerful magnet inside them. Then the 2 dolls get fixed due to attraction of magnet inside them.
b) Take a theromocol. Cut out the shape of a hand from the thermocol. Place a magnet inside the hand, in such a way that the south pole of the magnet should be near the finger. Suspend the hand using a thread., Then we can see that the fingers of the hand will point to south direction.

Question 2.
Make a models of a bird that remains only in one direction?
Take a thermocol. Cut out the shape of bird using the thermocol. Fix a magnet inside the bird. Suspend it using a thread. The bird will face only in one direction/ ie; only in north- south direction, because the magnet suspend only in north-south direction.

Question 3.
How will you make a toy of fish that swim towards rice grains?
Take a piece of thermocol. Cut out a model of a fish and some rice grains. Place a powerful magnet inside the rice grains. Place an iron piece inside the fish. Put the fish to water taken in a vessel, add rice grains slowly to the water. Then we can see that the fish swim towards the rice grains.

Question 4.
What are the applications of magnets?
Magnets are used in generators, electric motors, and transformer.
It is used in electric buzzers and bells Used in headphones and loudspeaker Used in magnetic locks and MRI machines

Question 5.
What are the 3 types of magnets?
Permanent magnets, temporary magnets and electromagnets.

Question 6.
What are the limitations of a natural magnet?
They are irregular and odd shaped They are not magnetically very strong.

Question 7.
What are the advantages of using a magnet?
They are in expensive Light weight

Question 8.
How a material lose its magnetic property?
The magnetic property of a material will be lost if they are heated, hammered, dropped from a certain height or due to improper storage.

Question 9.
What will happen if we placed a magnet near electronic gadgets like mobiles, television, computer, etc.
All the electronic gadgets will have magnets in it when a magnet is placed near these gadgets it affects magnetic property, and hence spoils the device and magnet.

Attraction and Repulsion Class 6 Notes

Attraction and Repulsion are opposite characteristics of non-contact forces. When two magnets are moved close to each other, they either attract or repel each other. The opposite poles of magnets attract, whereas the similar poles of magnets repel when they are pulled towards each other. Attraction or repulsion of the magnets depends on the direction of the poles facing each other. Like poles (N-N or S-S) of a magnet repels, unlike poles (N-S or S-N) attracts.

The magnets should be kept away from the electronic gadgets like cassettes, mobiles, television, music system, compact disks and computer. All the electronic gadgets will have magnets in it. When a magnet is placed near these gadgets it affects magnetic property, and hence spoils the device and magnet. The most common everyday use of magnets is in a simple compass. The Compass needle is a small magnet resting on a fine point so that it can rotate freely. Provided there are no other magnets or large steel objects near by, the compass needle align itself with Earth’s magnetic field.

The natural magnet is lodestone. It is also known as magnetite. There are artificial magnets too. They are made by using alnico, neodymium and samarium. There are different types of magnets. They are bar magnet, U magnet, Disc magnet, ring magnet, Arc magnet and Cylindrical Magnet. All the magnets are used in different purposes. A Magnet experiences strong magnetic force at the poles of the magnet. A freely suspended magnet always comes to rest in the north-south direction.

There are 3 types of magnets. Permanent magnet, temporary magnet and electromagnet. A Magnet have attractive property and directive property. The magnet force between two magnets is greater when the distance between these magnets is lesser. This chapter provides a greater knowledge about magnets and its properties. It find lot of applications in our daily life. Students will be able to understand different kinds of magnets from their daily life.

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