Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus

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Basic Science Class 6 Chapter 8 Moon and Stars Question Answer Notes

Basic Science Class 6 Chapter 8 Question Answer Notes Moon and Stars

Moon and Stars Class 6 Notes Questions and Answers

Let Us Assess

Question 1.
Is it in Gujarat or assam that the sunrise is seen first? Why?
Assam. The sun rises from the east and so, Assam, being in the eastern part of India gets to seen sunrise earlier than Gujarat.

Question 2.
If the moon does not rotate along with its revolution, will it be possible to see all parts of the moon from the earth? Justify your answer.
Yes, if the moon did not rotate along with its revolution, then we would see all parts of the moon, from the earth.


Question 1.
Where does the sun rises?
Sun rises in the east.

Question 2.
Where does the sun sets?
Sun sets in the west.

Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus

Question 3.
The most important source of energy for life on earth is ………..?

Question 4.
Write a note on earth?

  • Earth is spherical in shape.
  • Earth receive light from sun.
  • Earth revolves around sun.

Question 5.
What are the peculiarities of moon?

  • Moon receive light from sun.
  • Moon revolves around the earth.
  • Moon doesnot produce its own light.

Question 6.
What are the characteristics of sun?

  • Sun is a star
  • Sun is a hot glowing ball at the centre of solar system.
  • Sun is the largest object in our solar system.
  • Sun is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system.

Question 7.
What do you mean by sun?
Sun is a huge star made up of extremely hot gases.

Question 8.
What is solar energy?
Solar energy is any type of energy generated by the sun.

Day and night

Question 1.
Does light fall everywhere on the earth at the same time?

Question 2.
How can you say that day and night continuously appeared due to earth’s rotation?
We can say that day and night continuously appeared due to earth’s rotation with the help of an activity.

Aim: To prove that day and night appear due to earth’s rotation.

Materials required: Model of earth (globe), a steel rod and an arrangement for lighting a bulb.

Activity: Remove the globe’s stand. Arrange the north pole of the globe towards the north. Arrange the bulb above the globe. Light the bulb after ensuring maximum darkness in the room. The bulb is used in place of sun. Imagine that the globe is the earth.

Now observe the globe from the side of its north pole. You can see light in the portion facing the sun. and darkness on the other side. Gently turn the globe to left. You can see that the dark portion entering to the lighted area and lighted area moving into the dark area.

Observation: We can see light in the portion facing the sun and darkness on the otherside. When we turn the globe to left, the dark portion entering to the lighted area” and lighted area moving into the dark area.

Inference: Earth spins from west to east. It is due to the earth’s rotation that day and night continuously appear.

Question 3.
What is the direction of rotation of earth?
Earth rotates from west to east.

Question 4.
What do you mean by rotation of earth?
Rotation is the movement of the earth on its own axis.

Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus

Question 5.
The time needed for rotation of earth?
24 hours for one rotation.

Question 6.
What causes day and night?
Earth’s rotation

Sunrise and sunset

Question 1.
What do you mean by sunrise?
Sunrise is the moment when the upper rim of the sun appears on-the horizon in the morning, due to Earth’s rotation.

Question 2.
What is sunset?
Sunset, is the daily disappearence of the sun below the horizon due to Earth’s rotation.

Question 3.
How a person feel sunset?
Due to rotation of the earth, those in the region going from light to darkness experience the sunset.

Question 4.
How does the sun setting in the west rise in the east again?
The earth spins from west to east. Due to the rotation of earth from west to east, those in the region moving from darkness to light feel sunrise and for those going from light to darkness experience the sunset.

Question 5.
How does the sun setting in the west rise in the east again. Explain this with the help of an activity.
Aim: To explain sun setting in the west rise in the east.
Activity: Locate our approximate position in the globe. On that area fix a pin in the east- west direction using a cellotape. Fix a small red colours bindi at the top end, a white one in the middle and green at the bottom. Imagine that you are on the white bindi. Now the bindis at the ends are in your east and west. Light the buld and gently turn it to the left.
Observation: At sunrise white bindi moves from darkness to light. At noon white bindi comes in front pf the light and at sunset white bindi moves from light to darkness.
Inference: Due to the rotation of earth from west to east, those in the region moving from darkness to light feel sunrise and for those going from light to darkness experiences the sunset.

Question 6.
Sunrise is due to the of earth?

Question 7.
The reason behind sunset is …………?
Rotation of earth

Question 8.
What causes day and night?
Rotation of earth

Question 9.
Examine the figure and answer the following.
Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus Img 1
a) In which position will the child see the sunrise?
b) In which direction does A see the sun?
c) In which position does the child experiences noon?
d) Where does B see the sun?
e) In which position does the child see the sunset?
f) In which direction does C see the sun?
a) A
b) East direction
c) B
d) Above the child’s head
e) C
f) West

Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus

Question 11.
Don’t you think that people in each place. Experience sunrise and sunset?

Question 12.
Why the people in each place experience sunrise and sunset?
The people in each place experience sunrise and sunset because of the rotation of earth.

Question 13.
As we experiences sunrise, noon and sunset everyday. Is the sun remains in the same place?
As we experiences sunrises in the east in the morning, the sun above the head at noon and the sun which sets in the west in
the evening remains in the same place.

The moon’s path in the sky

Question 1.
What is the secret behind the moon appearing at different positions each day?
Moon revolves around the earth, therefore its position changes. That is why moon appearing at different positions each day.

Question 2.
Do you see the moon everyday in the same place during sunset?

Question 3.
Natural satellite of earth is ………..?

Let’s observe the moon

Question 1.
Why the position of the moon appears to change?
The position of the moon appears to change because of the revolution of the moon around the earth.

Question 2.
The time taken for one revolution of moon around earth.
27 1/3 days

Question 3.

The moon revolves around the …………..?

Question 4.
Is there a change in the position of moon at the time of sunset?

Question 5.
The position of the moon appears to change. In which direction does the change of position take place?
West to east

Question 6.
Given below are the positions of the moon at the time of sunset observed by Ramu on three different days?
Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus Img 2
Observe the picture and answer the follow¬ing questions.
a) Is that pictures are correct?
b) Is the position of the moon change? Why?
a) The three pictures are correct.
b) The position of moon changes because of the revolution of the moon around the earth.

The mystery of moon’s crescent

Question 1.
What do you mean by a full moon?
Full moon is the lunar phase when the moon appears fully illuminated from earth’s per-spectives.

Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus

Question 2.
When will a full moon happens?
A full moon happens once a month, when the earth is situated between the sun and the moon.

Question 3.
How does a full moon occurs?
A full moon occurs when the earth is situated in between the sun and the moon. Moon is on the opposite side of earth from the sun and thus the side of the moon that is illuminated faces earth.

Question 4.
How many full moons in a year?
12 full moons

Question 5.
What do you mean by New moon?
When the moon is directly between earth and the sun, the part facing earth do not receive sunlight and we cannot see the moon. This situation is known as new moon.

Question 6.
How does a new moon occurs?
New moon occurs when the moon is between earth and the sun. Thus the side of the moon that is in shadow faces the earth. The lighted side of the moon faces away from the earth. The moon that we see looks very dark.

Question 7.
How many times a new moon occur in a month?
Once in a month

Question 8.
Is the shape of the moon changes along with its change in position each day?
Yes, the shape of the moon changes.

Question 9.
Observe the figure. Different positions of the moon in its path of revolution around the earth are depicted here.
Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus Img 3
Answer the following
a) Is it possible to see the moon when it reaches the position marked 1 ?
b) What change occurs in the appearence of the moon when it comes to the position marked 2?
c) In which position do you see the full moon?
d) In which position do you see the half moon?
a) No, because the moon is between earth and the sun, thus the side of the moon that is in shadow faces the earth.
b) Crescent of the moon becomes visible.
c) 5th position
d) 3rd position

Question 10.
Match the following facts.
Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus Img 4

a) When the moon comes to new moon a) Since the dark area of the moon faces the earth the moon cannot be seen.
b) When the moon comes half moon b) Half of the lighted areas of the moon is seen
c) When the moon comes to full moon c) The whole of the lighted portion of the moon faces the earth

Question 11.
What is the reason for waxing and waning of the moon?
The difference in the visibility of the lighted and dark areas of the moon when observed from the earth is the reason for waxing and waning of the moon.

Question 12.
What do you mean by waxing of the moon?
From the new moon day to the full moon day lighted portion of the moon becomes more visible is called waxing of the moon.

Question 13.
What is waning of the moon?
From the full moon day to the new moon day there is a decrease in the visibility of the lighted area of moon from the earth. This is called waning of the moon.

Question 14.
Vani observed moon from the full moon day to the new moon day. Is there a decrease or increase in the visibility of the lighted area of the moon? What is it called?
There is a decrease in the visibility of the lighted area of moon from the earth. It is called waning of the moon.

Question 15.
Why waxing of the moon occurs?
Waxing of the moon occurs due to the dif-ference in the visibility of the lighted and dark areas of the moon when observed from the earth.

Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus

Question 16.
What are the materials required to do an activity to find out the shape of the moon changes along with its change in position each day?
Five yellow plastic smiley balls, five glass cups, five stools and an emergency lamp.

Question 17.
Write an activity to show that the shape of the moon changes along with its change in position each day?
Aim: To show that the shape of the moon changes
Materials required: Five yellow plastic smiley balls, five glass cups, five stools and an emergency lamp.
Activity: Draw a semicircle on the floor of the room in east-west direction. Arrange the stools in five equidistant positions above the semi circle. Place each cup and ball on each stool. Place the ball in the cup. The smiling face of all the balls should face the centre of the circle. Light the emergency lamp and place it in the west side in such a way that the light falls on the balls. As far as possible, prevent light from the outside entering the room by closing doors and windows. From the centre of the circle, observe all the five ball.
Observation: One smiling face is com-pletely exposed to light another one is not exposed to any light, one is partially lit by the light.
Inference: There is a difference in the vis-ibility of the lighted and dark areas of the smiley faces.

Question 18.
What are the changes that happen from a new moon day to full moon day?
From a new moon day to the full moon day, the lighted portion of the moon becomes more visible. This is called waxing of the moon.

Question 19.
What are the changes occur from a full moon day to now moon day.
From a full moon day to the new moon day, there is a decrease in the visibility of the lighted area of moon from the earth.

The peculiarity of lunar rotation

Question 1.
The moon glow at night. Why?
The moon is a non-luminous object as it does not produce its own light. It gets light from the sun. It reflects the light of the sun which makes it appear bright at night.

Question 2.
One face of the moon appears in the direction of the earth always. Why?
The moon completes a revolution around the earth in 271/3 days. It takes the same time to complete one rotation as well. That is why only one face of the moon appears in the direction of the earth always.

Question 3.
How the moon revolves around the earth. Check it with the help of an activity?
Aim: To find out how the moon revolves around the earth.
Materials required: Reaper pieces of 30cm and 10 cm length two yellow smiley balls, a small globe without its stand, an umbrella rib and a double sided tape.
Activity: Make a small hole at one end of the reaper. Fix the small reaper, at the other end, perpendicular to the surface – insert the rib of the umbrella through the poles of the globe and fix it on the table through the hole in the reaper. Using the double sided tape, fix the smiley ball on the reaper in such a way that it faces the equatorial part of the globe. Holding the umbrella rib firmly pressed, complete a revolution by turning. Observation: The ball revolve showing the same face.
Inference: The moon revolve around the earth showing one face of the moon.

Question 4.
Write down the peculiarities of moon?
a) Moon is earth’s only natural satellite.
b) Moon takes 27’/3 days to rotate around the earth.
c) The people on earth always see the same side of the moon.
d) Moon takes the same time to complete one rotation and one revolution.

Question 5.
The people on earth always see the same side of the moon. Why?
The moon completes revolution around the earth in 27 1/3 days. It takes the same time to complete one rotation as well. So one face of the moon appears in the direction of earth always. That is why people on earth always see the same side of the moon.

Celestial Friends

Question 1.
What are the things we can see in the sky at night?
Moon, stars, planets, comets, asteroids, me¬teors.

Question 2.
What are the colours of the stars?
White, blue, yellow, orange, red and green.

Question 3.
If you observe the sky throughout the night. You can see around …………. stars?
6000 stars

Question 4.
The stars appear to rise and set. Why?
The star appear to rise and set because of rotation of earth.

Question 5.
We can see stars at a time?
3000 stars

Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus

Question 6.
How many stars in the sky can you count at a time?
3000 stars

Question 7.
Is sun a dim or bright star?
The sun is the brightest star in our sky.

Question 8.
Why stars look bright and dim?
Stars with more power will shine brighter than these with less power. A star’s bright-ness also depends on its proximity to us. The more distant an object is, the dimmer it apperas. Stars are very far away from us so their intensity of light decreases on increas-ing distance.

Question 9.
Why do stars shine at night?
There is no sunlight during the night. So the light from stars not hidden by sun’s glare. Therefore we are able to see them at night.

Question 10.
We are not able to see stars during daytime. Why?
Stars are present in the sky during the day-time but we are not able to see stars because of the scattering of sunlight.

Question 11.
How can a star observed?
A star can be observed with telescope and even with binoculars.

Shape of Stars

Question 1.
What do you mean by celestial body?
Celestial bodies are objects in space such as the sun, moon, planets and stars.

Question 2.
Name celestial bodies?
Sun, Moon, Planets, Stars

Question 3.
Is star a celestial body?

Question 4.
What is the shape of a star?
Spherical shape

Question 5.
Neethu observed stars at night in the sky. She noticed that stars appear to twinkle. Give reason.
Stars are self luminous celestial bodies. The rays of light from the stars undergo continuous change in its direction while traversing’ through various layers in the atmosphere. That is why star appear to twinkle.

Question 6.
Stars are celestiral bodies?
Self luminous

Question 7.
Name two celestial spheres?
Sun and moon

Size of Stars

Question 1.
Which star is the nearest to the earth?

Question 2.
Is the sun bigger than the earth?

Question 3.
Sun can hold about ………… lakh earths within it?
12 lakh

Question 4.
How big is the sun when compared to earth?
The sun is about 109 times wider than earth.

Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus

Question 5.
Why the stars appear small in size?
Stars appear small in size because they are crores of kilometers away from earth.

Question 6.
Apart from the sun, which star is closest to the earth?
Alpha centauri

Question 7.
If one make a telephone call from Alpha centurai to earth. What will happen?
Alpha centuari is a star closest to earth. If one make a telephone call from Alpha centauri, it will take more than 4 years for the sound to reach the earth.

Question 8.
Name a star which is bigger than the sun?

Question 9.
Which is the largest known star in the universe?
UY scuti

The picture book in the sky

Question 1.
What is the meaning of the star ‘big dipper’?
Big spoon

Question 2.
What do you mean by ‘Saptharshis’?
Saptharshis are seven stars which appear moderately bright in the northern part of the sky.

Question 3.
When did we can see saptharshis?
We can see Saptharshis in the northern sky in the evening, in the summer season. In the months of December and January, they are seen at midnight.

Question 4.
Where does we can see ‘Big dipper’?
In the northern sky.

Question 5.
In India ‘Big dipper’ is known as ……?

Question 6.
We can see saptharshis at midnight. In which month they are seen at midnight?
In the months of December and January.


Question 1.
What do you mean by constellation?
Constellations are groups of stars, imagined into shapes by joining them together using lines. They are usually named after mytho-logical characters, people, animals and ob-jects.

Question 2.
Give the name of constellations?
Saptharshis, Orion, Cassiopia, Scropius

Question 3.
The picture of a constellation is given below. Name the constellation. When did you see this constellation.
Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus Img 5
This constellation is Orion.
This can be seen after dusk in the months of January February and March.

Question 4.
Veena observed Orion’s picture in a book. She saw a star in red colour on Orion’s right shoulder. Name that star?

Question 5.
What is the use of Orion in the past?
The constellation used by people in the past to ascertain direction while travelling in desert and the sea.

Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus

Question 6.
The line joining the head and the sword of Orion reaches ______?
Polar star

Question 7.
What is cassiopia? Draw its structure?
Cassiopia is a constellation seen in the sky in the evening from October to December.
Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus Img 6
Question 7.
The name of constellation with the shape of a big scorpion is ……………?

Question 8.
Scorpius is also known as a malayalam month name which is …………..?

Question 9.
How many constellations imagined in the names of the twelve malayalam months?
12 constellations

Question 10.
Scorpius is seen above us a little towards in the sky?

Question 11.
In which month can we see scorpius?
August and September

Star Map

Question 1.
What do you mean by star map.
Star maps are used to identify and locate stars and galaxies.

Question 2.
How to use a star map?
We have to look at it upside down and in accordance with the direction, above our head. On holding it upside down above the head with its north towards north, we get the east-west directions correct.

Question 3.
What are the uses of star map?
Star map used to identify stars. This map help to observe the evening sky from December to March. Star map used to locate constellations, star, nebulae. It used for human navigation.

Observing Planets

Question 1.
Name the planets which can be seen in the sky with naked eyes?
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

Question 2.
Write 2 peculiarities of planet?
Planets generally do not twinkle. Generally they appear bigger and brighter than the stars.

Question 3.
How many planets are there in our solar system?
Eight planets

Moon and Stars Notes Questions and Answers Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 8 Kerala Syllabus

Question 4.
Name the eight planets of our solar system?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune:

Question 5.
Which planet is closest to the sun?

Question 6.
Which planet is farest from the sun?

Question 7.
Which is the smallest planet in our solar system?

Question 8.
Which planet is the brightest planet?

Moon and Stars Class 6 Notes

The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite. It is the fifth largest satellite in the solar system and the largest and most massive relative to its parent planet, with a diameter about one-quarter that the Earth. The lunar surface of moon is covered with a thick layer of soil. Not at all like soil on Earth, the soil is made up of tiny, ground up, pulverized pieces of rock formed by the bombardment of surface by meteroites. The moon is dominantely composed of silicate minerals. The moon is important to life on Earth. It plays a big role in many areas like the weather, migration cycles of some animals, Earth’s magnetic field etc.

The moon takes 27V3 days to complete a revolution and rotation. Both earth and moon are moving around the sun. Moon rotates only once on its axis each time it revolves around the earth. The position of moon appears to change because of the revolution of the moon around the earth. The difference in the visibility of the lighted and dark areas of the moon when observed from the earth is the reason for waxing and waning of the moon. The moon completes a revolution around the earth in 27 V3 days. It takes the same time to complete one rotation as well. That is why only one face of the moon appears in the direction of the earth always.

The objects in space, such as the sun, moon, planets and stars are called celestial bodies. They are located outside the earth’s atmosphere. Sun is a star. During night time millions of stars be¬come visible to naked eye. Stars are appears very tiny to our eyes because of the distance from the earth to the stars, planets are huge body that revolve around star. There are eight planets in our solar system.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. There are group of stars, imagined into shapes by joining them together using lines, they are called con¬stellations, saptharshis, orion, cassiopia, scorpius are constellations. We can use star maps to identify these stars, constellations and galaxies.

The chapter ‘Moon and stars’ gives a brief idea about our sky. Children can understood how the moon revolves and what are the peculiarities of its rotation also get an idea about stars, con¬stellations and star map.

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