Kerala SSLC English Board Model Paper March 2022 with Answers

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Kerala Syllabus Class 10 English Board Model Paper March 2022 with Answers

Time: 2½ Hours
Total Score: 80 Marks

General Instructions to Candidates:

  • 15 minutes is‘Cool-off time’. Use this time to get familiarised with questions and plan your answers.
  • Questions with different score are given as distinct sections.
  • Read the instructions carefully before answering the questions.
  • Keep in mind the score and the time while answering the questions.
  • The maximum score for questions from 1 to 35 will be 80.

PART – I (Each question carries 1 score)

Questions 1 – 6. Read the excerpt from “The Danger of a Single Story’ and answer any FOUR questions that follow. 4 × 1 = 4

Now, things changed when I discovered African books. There weren’t many of them available, and they weren’t quite as easy to find as the foreign books. But when I read Chinua Achebe and Camara Laye, I realised that people like me, girls with skin the colour of chocolate, whose kinky hair could not form ponytails, could also exist in literature. I started to write about things I recognised. I loved the American and British books I read. They stirred my imagination and opened up new words for me. But African writers saved me from having a single story of what books are.

Question 1.
When did things start to change for the author? (1)
Things started to change for the author when she started reading African Books. Until then she was reading only American and British books.

Question 2.
What was the problem with African books? (1)
The problem with African books was that they were not easily available as foreign books.

Question 3.
How did the author realise people like her could also exist in literature? (1)
The author realized people like her could also exist in literature when she read the books by African writers like Chinua Achebe and Camara Laye.

Kerala SSLC English Board Model Paper March 2022 with Answers

Question 4.
What did the author compare the colour of her skin with? (1)
The author compared the colour of her skin with chocolate.

Question 5.
The benefit the author got after reading African books was that ………………… (1)
(a) they stirred her imagination
(b) they opened up new worlds for her
(c) they saved her from ha ving a single story of what books are
(d) All the above
(d) All the above.

Question 6.
Pick out the word from the passage that means ‘having tight curls’. (1)

Questions 7 – 10: Read the lines from the poem, ‘Blowin’ in the Wind’ and answer the questions that follow. 4 × 1 = 4

How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, and how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they’re forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’in the wind.

Question 7.
‘Peace’ is symbolised in the above lines. Identify the expression that indicates this. (1)
Peace is symbolised by the expression “white dove”.

Question 8.
Where, according to the poet will the white dove have to otake rest eventually? (1)
According to the poet, the white dove will have to take rest eventually in the sand.

Question 9.
The poet wishes cannon balls to be ………………… (1)
The poet wishes cannon balls to be banned.

Question 10.
Pick out from the above stanza the line that tells you an unceasing war is going on. (1)
Yes, and how many times must the cannon balls fly?

Kerala SSLC English Board Model Paper March 2022 with Answers

PART – II (Each question carries 2 score)

Questions 11 – 15: Read the lines from ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’ and answer any THREE questions that follow. 3 × 2 = 6

I heard a thousand blended notes,
While in a grove I sate reclined,
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.

To her fair works did Nature link
The human soul that through me ran;
And much it grieved my heart to think
What man had made of man.

Question 11.
How does the poet describe his ‘mood’ and ‘thoughts’? (2)
The poet’s mood is sweet and his thoughts are pleasant.

Question 12.
Pick out instances of a visual image and an auditory image. (2)
Visual image – While in a grove I sate reclined. Auditory image – I heard a thousand blended notes.

Question 13.
Why did the poet grieve? (2)
The poet’s heart thinks what man has done to man and it grieved him.

Question 14.
To her fair works did Nature link ………………..’What is personified here? (2)
Nature is personified here.

Question 15.
What does Nature link the human soul with? (2)
Nature linked human soul with her fair works.

Kerala SSLC English Board Model Paper March 2022 with Answers

Questions 16 – 18: Read the exerptfrom ‘Vanka’ and answer any TWO questions that follow.

Nine year old Vanka Zhukov who had been apprenticed three months ago to Alyakhin the shoemaker, did not go to bed on Christmas Eve. He waited till his master and mistress and the senior apprentices had gone to church, and then took from the cupboard a bottle of ink and a pen with a rusty nib, spread out a crumpled sheet of paper and was all ready to write. Before tracing the first letter, he glanced several times anxiously at the door and window, peered at the dark icon, with shelves holding cobbler’s lasts stretching sigh. The paper lay on the bench and Vanka knelt on the floor at the bench.

Question 16.
What did Vanka wait for? (2)
Vanka waited for his master, mistress and the senior apprentices to go to church.

Question 17.
What preparations did Vanka make before writing the letter? (2)
He took from the cupboard a bottle of ink, and a pen with a rusty nib and spread out a crumpled sheet of paper.

Question 18.
Pick out the sentence from the excerpt that shows Vanka’s anxiety. (2)
Before tracing the first letter, he glanced several times anxiously at the door and window and peered at the dark icon.

PART – III (Each question carries 4 score)

Questions 19 – 23: Answer any THREE of the following:

Question 19.
Complete the following passage choosing the right phrases from those given in the box.

Satyajit Ray …………..(a)………….. the manager of Bharat Circus and told him that they needed a tiger for shooting a film. Fortunately, he didn’t …………..(b)………….. Ray’s request. The manager called Mr. Thorat and asked him to do the needful. Mr. Throad …………..(c)………….. to the shooting location with two tigers. Many people …………..(d)………….. at the location to watch the shooting. turn down turn up set ot call at call on
a. called on
b. turn down
c. set out
d. turned up

Question 20.
Read the passage given below. There are certain errors in it. They are underlined. Edit them.

Alfred Hitchcock need (a) a variety of birds, but what was required in the large (b) number were ravens. Notices was placed (c) in the press all over the United States, asked (d) people to contact the filmmaker.
a. needed
b. big
c. were placed
d. asking

Question 21.
Complete the conversation suitably.
Sergeant : Doctor, ………..(a)…………. ?
Cronin : Yea, I’ll come with you. What happened?
Sergeant : A young man tried to commit suicide.
Cronin : He’s alive still, ………..(b)…………. ?
Sergeant : I think so. If come now ………..(c)………….
Cronin : Okay, let’s hurry up ………..(d)…………. ?
Sergeant : He is staying with the landlady in the lodging around the corner.
a) will you come with me?
b) isn’t he?
c) he can be saved.
d) Where is he staying?

Question 22.
A few words are missing in the following message’ Choose the right one from the box given below and fill in the blanks.

I would like to tell you a few personal stories ………..(a)…………. what I like to call the danger of a single story. I grew up on ………..(b)…………. university campus ………..(c)…………. Eastern Nigeria. My mother says that I started reading ………..(d)…………. the age of two.
in, at, about, a, of
a. about
b. a
c. in
d. at

Question 23.
Read the following sentences and identify the noun phrases in the subject position of each sentence. (4)
(a) The shots were too dark.
(b) The dark scenes had to be retaken.
(c) The few scenes with the tiger had to be retaken as well.
(d) The film crew in Boral who worked with Ray were happy when the shooting was over.
a. The shots
b. The dark scenes
c. The few scenes with the tiger
d. i) The film crew in Board who worked with Ray …………… ii) the shooting

Kerala SSLC English Board Model Paper March 2022 with Answers

Questions 24 – 25. Answer any ONE of the following:

Question 24.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (4)

Fayiz, the barber was trimming the king’s hair. When he had finished trimming, Fayiz casually remarked: ‘ “Your majesty your hair is starting to turn grey.” Getting agitated at the barber’s impudence, the king ordered that Fayiz be put in jail for six months. He then turned to a court attendant and asked: “Do you see any grey in my hair?” “Not much,” the attendant replied. “Not much!” the king exclaimed. “Guards, take this man to jail and keep him there for two months!” He then turned to the second attendant and ‘ asked the same question. “Your Highness your hair is entirely black,” the attendant replied. “You liar!” the king yelled. “Guards, give this man ten lashes on the back and put him in jail for three months.” Finally, the king turned to Nasareddin and asked, “Mullah what colour is my hair?”. “Your Highness” Nasareddin replied, “I am colourblind, and therefore cannot answer that question with any degree of accuracy.
(a) What remark by Fayiz agitated the king?
(b) What was the punishment given to the second attendant?
(c) The excuse given by Nasareddin for not answering the king’s question was
(d) Pick out the word from the passage that means ‘rude behaviour’.
a. Fayiz said that the king’s hair was starting to turn grey. This remark agitated the king.
b. The punishment given to the second attendant was ten lashes on his back and a jail term for three months.
c. The excuse given by Nasareddin for not answering the king’s question was that he was colourblind.
d. impudence

Question 25.
A few details of certain books are shown in the table given below. Study the table and answer the questions that follow.

Book Author Publisher Year of Publication
THE STORY OF MY EXPERIMENTS WITH TRUTH Mahatma Gandhi Navajivan Publishing House 1929
SELECTED POEMS Rabindranath Tagore Rupa 2002
WINGS OF FIRE APJ Abdul Kalam Sangam Books Ltd. 1999
LADIES COUPE Anita Nair Penguin Books 2001

(a) Identify the publisher of Mahatma Gandhi’s book.
(b) When was Tagore’s Selected poems published?
(c) The book in the table published in 1999 is ………………….
(d) Ladies Coupe is written by ……………….
a. Navajivan Publishing House.
b. 2002
c. Wings of Fire
d. Anita Nair

PART – IV (Each question carries 6 score)

Questions 26 – 29: Answer any THREE of the following in about 80 words each. 3 × 6 = 18

Question 26.
Read the following lines from the poem ‘Mother to Son and prepare a note of appreciation focusing on its theme, imagery and other poetic devices. (6)
Well, son, I’ll tel you:
Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
It’s had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor –
“Mother to Son” by the American poet Langston Hughes is a beautiful poem in which a Black mother is giving his son some advice. She is contrasting her own life against one that is easy to progress through. In her case, moving forward represents a staircase with “tacks” and “splinters” protruding from the wood. The wood is also torn up in places and entire boards missing. It is dangerous to live her life, and more often than not, each step presents something new to fear and worry about.

The fact that boards are missing from the staircase speaks of the lack of support she received or to the missing links in her own understanding of what she should do next. Of the boards that do remain on the stairs there is no carpet and they are bare. All this shows the poor conditions she had to deal with and her struggles to overcome them.

The imagery is beautiful, a woman climbing the stairs that are broken and uneven. The stairs represent the problems she has faced. But she has managed well and she has reached the present state. She is advising her son that the journey of life is not easy. But he should strive and succeed, and not give up because of the big problems he may be facing along the way.

The poem is in a conversational style, using simple everyday language. There is the use of double negative in “Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair”. This is how the Black Americans speak, “ain’t been” means “has not be4n”. The theme is the poverty and hard life of the Blacks in America and their determination to overcome their problems. It gives a message of hard work and optimism.

Question 27.
The boy in the story, “Adventures in a Banyan Tree’ was amused at the sight of the three white squirrels. He recorded his feelings in his diary. Write the likely diary entry.
I had made a small platform half way up the banyan tree in our compound. From this platform I could watch the surroundings and I also used to read sitting there, enjoying the cool breeze. There was a small grey squirrel that lived on that tree. At first the squirrel did not like me but soon we became friends. My grandfather had bought a white rat from the bazaar. I would often take the rat to the roots and branches of the banyan tree. It soon made friendship with the squirrel. They would together go for excursions among the branches. Then the squirrel started building a nest. One day my grandmother’s knitting was missing. We looked for it everywhere but without success. Then I found the squirrel had filled its nest with the knitting of my grandmother. Among the wool there were three white baby squirrels. When I mentioned this to my grandfather I also told him that the white rat often visited the tree. Then grandfather told me that the rat must be the father of the white baby squirrels. He said that rats and squirrels were related to each other and it was possi ble for them to have babies if they mated.

It was news to me! I am so happy that I took the rat to the squirrel.

Question 28.
Martha felt really sad after meeting the Principal. He told her that she had to pay fifteen dollars for the Scholarship Jacket. Imagine that you meet her on her way back home. Prepare a set of six questions you would like to ask her.
a) Why are you looking so sad, Martha?
b) What made the Principal ask you to pay 15 dollars for the Scholarship Jacket?
c) Would you be able to pay the 15 dollars?
d) Do you want me to help you with some money?
e) Shall we make a protest against the Principal’s decision?
f) Do you think somebody played a trick to prevent you from getting the Scholarship Jacket?

Question 29.
The homeopath in the story, “The Snake and the Mirror’ was shocked to find all his belongings had been stolen when he came back to his room. He writes a letter to one of his friends describing the
events. Draft the likely letter.

XV/53, “Paradise”
20 April 2022

Dear Gopalan,
I am writing this letter to tell you some shocking things that happened to me the other day. Since there wasn’t enough money with me I took a room in a cheap hotel. It was 10 o’clock in the night. After taking my supper at a nearby restaurant, I returned to my room. It had no electricity and so I lit the kerosene lamp on the table. I had only Rs. 60, some shirts and dhotis in my suitcase.

I took off my black coat, white short and vest and hung them up. I opened the two windows of the room. Rats ran along the beam. I made by bed and pulled it close to the wall. But I could not sleep. There was no breeze. I then sat on the chair near the table. On the table there was a large mirror and a comb.

I looked into the mirror and combed my hair and I was thinking of so many things, smoking a beedi. Suddenly there was a dull thud as if a rubber tube had fallen to the ground. A fat snake came over the chair and landed on my shoulder. I did not jump, tremble or cry as there was no time for it. The snake slithered along my shoulder and coiled around my left arm. Its hood was spread out and it was just 3 or 4 inches from my face. I prayed for the first time after a long time. Then the snake looked at its reflection in the mirror. It then unwound itself from my arm and slithered on to the table.

I ran for my life. I reached my friend’s house. I took a bath. I changed my clothes. The next morning with my friend I went to the room to take my things back. Athief had removed everything except my dirty vest.

Thank God, the snake did not bite me! I still shiver when I think of the snake coiling around my arm.

Yours sincerely,

Kerala SSLC English Board Model Paper March 2022 with Answers

Questions 30 – 32. Answer any TWO of the following in about 80 words each. 2 × 6 = 12

Question 30.
The Film Club of your school has decided to conduct an online film festival of Majid Majidi’s films. His films like ‘Children of Heaven’, ‘Colour of Paradise’, ‘Baran’, and ‘Father’ will be screened in the festival. Draft a notice inviting all with details of the festival.


22 April 2022


The Film Club has decided to conduct an online festival of Majid Majidi’s films. As you all know Majid Majidi is an Iranian filmmaker and he has touched on many themes and genres and has won numerous international awards. The Festival will start at 9.00 in the morning with a brief inauguration. Four films will be shown, one after the other with half an hour break in between.

The first film will be shown at 9.30. It is entitled “Children of Heaven”. The second one titled “Colour of Paradise” will be at 12 Noon. At 3 p.m. the third film “Baran” will be shown”. The 4th film will be screened at 6.00 p.m. All these are internationally famous films and you are invited to take advantage of this Film Festival.

Rani Laxman

Question 31.
Prepare a profile of Rabindranath Tagore using the hints given.
Born : 07 May, 1861
Place of Birth : Calcutta
Known as : Poet, Short Story Writer, Song Composer, Playwright, Educationist
Notableworks : Gitanjali, Gora, Kabuliwala
Honours : Nobel Prize in Literature 1913
Died : 7 August 1941, at the age of 80
Rabindranath Tagore was born on 7 May 1861 in Calcutta. He is a versatile genius. He is poet, short story writer, song composer, playwright, philosopher, social reformer, painter and educationist. His most important work is “Gitanjali” for which he got the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913. He was the first non-European and the first lyricist to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. Some of his famous short stories are “Kabuliwala”, “The Postmaster”, “The Broken Nest”, “The Conclusion” and “Bhikharini”. In 1901 Tagore founded an experimental school in rural West Bengal at Shantiniketan (“Abode of Peace”), where he sought to blend the best in the Indian and Western traditions. He composed two National Anthems – India’s “Jana Gana Mana” and also the Bangladesh National Anthem “Aamaar Shonar Bangla”. Gandhi gave him the title “Gurudev”. Tagore died on 7 August 1941, at the age of 80.

Question 32.
Ali, the protagonist of the screenplay ‘My Sister’s Shoes’ goes to Akbar’s shop to buy some potatoes. Akbar knows that Ali has no money with him. He ill-treats Ali by not allowing to take the large potatoes. Prepare the likely conversation between Ali and Akbar.
Ali : I want some potatoes.
Akbar : How much do you want?
Ali : I want 2 kg.
Akbar : Do you have the money for that?
Ali : I will pay you later.
Akbar : There are two baskets there. In one, there are small potatoes and in the other there are big ones. You take 2 kg from the basket containing small potatoes.
Ali : The small potatoes look too old. I want big and fresh potatoes.
Akbar : You want big and fresh potatoes. And you have no money. Your father bought some things the other day and he has not paid me yet. Don’t you feel ashamed to come and ask for things on credit again?
Ali : We will pay you as soon as my father gets his wages.
Akbar : When will he get his wages? Every time you want things on credit. I am not giving you any potatoes this time. If you want potatoes come with cash.
Ali : Please Akbar Kaka. We have nothing at home.
Akbar: Am I your guardian? Shut your mouth and get out. Don’t waste my time.

PART -V (Each question carries 8 score)

Questions 33 – 35: Answer any TWO of the following in about 120 words each. 2 × 8 = 16

Question 33.
The boy in the story ‘Adventures in a Banyan Tree’ was excited to witness the fight between the cobra and the mongoose. After reaching home, he narrates this incident to his grandfather. Write the likely narrative.
(Hints: a battle of champions – mongoose – clever and superb fighter – cobra – skilful and experienced fighter – crow and mynah as spectators – mongoose wins)
Grandfather, today I saw a fight between a mongoose and a cobra.

I was sitting on the platform I made in the banyan tree near our house. Today when I was sitting there I saw the fight between the mongoose and the cobra. They were fighting in the garden. There was a warm breeze which had kept people inside their homes. I was also feeling drowsy and was thinking of going for a swim in the pond near our house. I then saw a cobra coming out of cactus bush. It was looking for a cooler place in the garden.

A mongoose also came out and went towards the cobra. They came face to face. The cobra knew that the 3 feet long mongoose was a fine fighter. But the cobra was also an experienced fighter. His sharp teeth were full of poison. The cobra hissed. His tongue darted in and out.

The cobra was 6 feet long. It raised its spectacled hood. Apart from me, there was a myna and a jungle crow watching the fight. The cobra was moving from side to side looking for a chance to attack the mongoose. As the mongoose moved nearer, the cobra struck. But the mongoose jumped to one side and was not struck. Then it bit the snake on the back and moved away.

When the mongoose struck the cobra, the crow and the myna flew fast towards it, but they collided in mid air and they returned to the cactus. The. ‘ mongoose struck again and there was blood on the cobra’s back. The crow and the myna dived at the cobra. The cobra struck the crow and the crow died. The myna flew away.

The snake was weakening. The mongoose picked the cobra by its nose. The cobra coiled around the mongoose. But soon it stopped trying to get away. The mongoose carried the cobra into the bushes. The myna flew away and I came down to inform you about the fight and the death of the cobra.

Kerala SSLC English Board Model Paper March 2022 with Answers

Question 34.
The Texas school arranges a meeting to honour Martha. In her speech, she talks about the difficulties she had to face in winning the Scholarship Jacket. Prepare the text of the speech.
(Hints: eight years of expectation – works hard – good athlete – poverty prevents participation in sports – excels in academics – change in policy – dream comes true)
Respected Principal, my dear teachers and friends, It is with joy and sorrow that I stand here. Joy because I have passed the 8th grade and received the scholarship jacket. Sorrow because I have to leave this school and my beloved teachers that have made me grow wiser and my friends with whom I have spent 8 years of my childhood. I thank the Principal and my teachers and my classmates who have helped me in getting this scholarship jacket. My sister had earned it a few years ago and now I am getting it and I am sure my family members will be proud of me.
I take this opportunity to especially thank my History Teacher, Mr. Schmidt who has helped me in different ways. I will always remember him with gratitude. Before I conclude, I would like to make a suggestion. This year the Board had decided to charge 15 dollars for the jacket. But fortunately for me the Principal was kind to make an exception and that iswhy I am getting this jacket. I want to say to everyone concerned that a scholarship jacket will not remain a scholarship jacket, if one has to pay for it even a single dollar.

I once again thank everyone for making my stay in this school a memorable one. I wish all my classmates a successful future.


Question 35.
The story The Best Investment I Ever Made’ reveals how a single act of kindness creates wonders in a person’s life. Prepare a write-up based on your reading of the story.
(Hints: Mr. John – an orphan – falls victim to loose society – gambles in horse racing – steals money – fails in gambling – attempts suicide – doctor saves life – transforms Mr. John – works for the welfare of the youth)
The story “The Best Investment I Ever Made” by A. J. Cronin reveals how a single act of kindness creates wonders in a person’s life.

The parents of John died when he was very young. His uncle helped him to get a job as a clerk in a London lawyer’s office. As John had no friends, he had fallen into bad company. He was enjoying the pleasures of his life beyond his means. He started betting on horses. Soon he lost all his savings and he incurred a lot of debt. In an effort to get money he stole 7 pounds and 10 shillings from the office safe to make a final bet. But again he lost. He was desperate and he returned to the room. He wanted to die. He turned on the gas. He became I unconscious. When he became conscious, he saw the police sergeant, Dr. Cronin and the landlady standing around him. He told them why he wanted to die.

The sergeant, Dr. Cronin and the land lady were sympathetic people. They decided to help John. The policeman would not report the case and so there would be no trial. Dr. Cronin gave him 7 pounds and 10 shillings to replace the money he had stolen. The landlady offered him free board for a month. All these acts of kindness changed John. It was then he decided to work for the rehabilitation of the delinquent youth. John is now a lawyer by profession. In addition he is the director of a charitable organization devoted to the welfare of boys and girls. These are mostly delinquent youths.

John and his wife take delinquent youths from the juvenile courts and place them in a healthy environment. They heal them in mind and body and send them back into the world. They are given training in some handicraft so that they could live as worthy citizens.

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