Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 9 Globalisation

Kerala Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 9 Globalisation

Question 1.
The following features are some of the political, economic and cultural consequences of globalization. Arrange them under each head.
a) Globalisation leads to withdrawing of the rich traditional heritage of entire globe.
b) It facilitated greater trade in commodities across the world.
c) Globalisation caused an erosion of state capacity, that is, the ability of govt, to do what they want to do.
d) It leads to each culture becoming more different and distinctive or leads to a phenomenon of cultural homogenization.
e) It sought to dismantle import licensing system and removal of tariff on imports.
f) The state withdraws from its traditional welfare function and becomes a more minimalist state
Political – c, f
Economic -b, e
Cultural – a, d

Question 2.
Which of the statements are TRUE about globalization.
a) Globalisation is purely an economic phenomenon.
b) Globalisatoin began in 1991.
c) Globalisation is the same thing as westernization.
d) Globalisation is a multi-dimentional phenomenon.
d) Globalisation is a multi-dimentional phenomenon.

Question 3.
Which of the statements is TRUE about the impact of globalization ?
a) Globalisation has been uneven in its impact on states and societies.
b) Globalisation has had a uniform impact on all states and societies.
c) The impact of globalization has been confined to the political sphere.
d) Globalisation inevitably results in cultural homogeneity.
a) Globalisation has been uneven in its impact on states and societies.


Question 4.
Which of the statements is TRUE about the causes of Globalisation?
a) Technology is an important cause of globalization
b) Globalisation is caused by a particular community of people.
c) Globalisation originated in the U.S.
d) Economic interdependence alone causes globailisation.
a) Technology is an important cause of globalization.

Question 5
Which of the statements is TRUE about globalization?
a) Globalisation is only about movement of commodities.
b) Globalisation does not involve a conflict of values.
c) Services are an insignificant part of globalization.
d) Globalisation is about worldwide interconnectedness.
d) Globalisation is about worldwide interconnectedness.

Question 6.
Apart from threats of direct intervention, the imperialist forces like United States and its allies are bent upon imposing economic neoliberalism on the current process of globalization. Imperialist agencies like World Bank, IMF and WTO have become tools of developed countries both economically and politically. Observe the above statement and substantiate your argument.
The concept of globalization is the exchange of ideas, materials and human resources. Now this exchange is possible among nations without much control. Looked at this way, it assumes different levels of political, economic and cultural meanings. In his sense it has merits and demerits. Some societies may be affected only very little, but some may be affected much more.
Let us see how it works: Contemporary World Politics Political results:
Politically speaking, the authority of the government gets weaker. It will have to reduce its welfare schemes.

Instead of social welfare, the stress is on the market. With the coming MNCs (Multi National Corporations), it becomes difficult for the governments to take independent decisions. According to the advocates of globalization, no political power of the government is lost. The essential things will remain under the authority of the government. Since technology has advanced so much, governments can do a lot. Technology helps governments to know the details of their citizens and make the administration efficient.

Economic Results:
Globalization has influenced the economic sphere greatly. World Bank, IMF, WTO etc. play big roles. All these are controlled mainly by America and its allies. The world economy itself has come under their influence. In this, a re-thinking is necessary. It is high time that we found out who the beneficiaries of globalization are. As a result of globalization, import controls are reduced or removed. The developed nations can now invest their capital in the developing nations.

Investing in the developing nations is more profitable. Technologies develop without any limits of borders. But regarding the movement of people, the developed nations have made certain rules. Their countries are kept safe from foreign workers through the policy of Visa. Because of the visa rules, the jobs of their citizens are not taken away by emigrants.

There are arguments in favour and against economic globalization. Although the policy is the same, different places get different results. Those who think of social justice can look at the limitations on government only as a demerit of globalization. Those who are economically backward need some special security not to suffer from the demerits of globalization. Some people believe that globalization makes the poor people poorer and so it must be stopped.

But globalization brings about huge economic growth and the social welfare of many. Large scale commerce makes the economy better. It is not easy to prevent globalization in the forward march of history.


Question 7.
Ramu, “The popularity of burger or blue jeans is the powerful influence of the American way of life and people will lose their age old values and ways”. Geetha, “The burger is no substitute for a Masala Dosa, and therefore it does not pose any real challenge. Blue jeans on the other hand can as well with a homespun Khadi Kurtha. Here the outcome of outside influence is a new combination that is unique a Khadi Kurtha worn over jeans. Read the above conversation carefully and analyse the cultural aspect of globalization.
In the above conversation we can see some results of globalization. Globalization influences our homes, food, clothes, water, and even thoughts. Often globalization can be a threat to our culture. Globalization paves the way for a unicultural world. The Western civilization will spread to other countries. The conversation shows that we may have to stand helpless before the onslaught of Western civilization.

But this does not mean Ramu’s argument is entirely true. He has looked only at the wrong aspects of globalization. All cultures have accepted new and good things from other cultures. Globalization has good aspects, too. Only rarely can foreign cultures influence us negatively. Actually things from outside enrich our culture and that is what Geeta thinks.

Question 8.
Global Capitalism makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. We can see that various anti-globalization movements try to resist this negative impact of globaization. Can you briefly explain such world wide anti-globalization movements?
The benefits of globalization are not shared equally. Some make huge profits but others become its prey. That is what prompted many people to move against globalization. They are not opposing the concept of globalization, but the way it is implemented. In their viewpoint, globalization is implemented with the shadow of imperialism.

In the Ministerial Conference of 1999, there was a strong opposition to the style of operation of globalization by the economic powers, in the global economic development, the opinions of the developing world are not given due importance. The World Social Forum is another International Venue. In that, human rights workers, environment activists, people representing labour, youth, women power etc. attend. In 2001, in Porto Alegre in Brazil the first meeting of the World Social Forum took place, in January 2007 its 7th meeting was held in Nairobi Kenya.


Question 9.
Globalization is a multi dimensional concept. So the critics of globalization make a variety of arguments. Identify the major criticisms raised by different sections of the people.
Globalization is a controversial issue. Therefore it is also criticised greatly. Here are some major criticisms.
1. The Left-leaning people argue that globalization represents a certain capitalist point of view. Moreover, it makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Weak governments can’t look after the interests of the masses.
2. Those who support the political rights of the people think that changes may come in their social, cultural and political spheres. They are worried about 3 things.

  • They fear that globalization weakens the government.
  • They want self-sufficiency in economy, but they want to keep some things as their own.
  • They think it will harm their traditional culture.

Question 10.
Janardhanan brought a small cycle for his nine year old son as a birthday gift which is actually manufactured in China but is being marketed in India. It meets his requirement of reasonable rate but its quality was very poor. The Cartoon below shows one of the negative impacts of globalization. Critically evaluate the negative impact of globalization.
According to the cartoon, the developed countries are exploiting the developing countries. Globalization adversely affects the political, economic and cultural life of the countries where it is introduced. Politically speaking, globalization prevents governments from carrying out things as they want. In a welfare state, social welfare is the priority. The coming of MNCs controls the authority of the governments, which can’t work as they wish. Economically speaking, imports were liberalized.
Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 9 Globalisation 1
Capital flowed into developing countries. That means developed nations could invest their capital in the developing nations also. Through such investments, the developed nations will make huge profits. To prevent people from the developing nations take up jobs in the developed nations, visa rules were made strict. That way the developed nations protected their jobs for their own citizens. Not only that, advanced technology and international organizations like World Bank, IMF, WTO etc. work according to the will of the developed nations.

Culturally speaking, globalization affects our food habits, drinks, dress and even our thoughts. Globalization is a big threat to the varied cultures of the world. Globalization will bring some kind of uni-culture. The culture of the strong is imposed on the weak.
It is true that today we can know what happens in any part of the world at any time. Information about diseases like bird-flu, swine-flu etc. spreads fast. The economic depression in America was felt by the entire world.


Question 11
‘In India there are agitations from different parts of the country against opening retail outlets by multinational companies.’ There are agitations against the availability of foreign TV channels, celebration of Valentine’s Day etc.’ The above mentioned facts were the main news in India during the last several years. Explain the resistance prevailing in India against globalization.
Resistance against globalization is seen on many parts of India. Entry of the MNCs, foreign TV channels, Night Clubs, Valentines’Day, Western dresses (especially among the girls in schools and colleges) etc. are part of globalization. The Left parties object globalization. The Indian Social Forum is also against it. Trade Union workers oppose MNCs. The acquisition of the patent for trees like ‘neem’by the Americans and Europeans brought a lot of vehement protests

Additional Questions

Question 1.
The New economic policy was adopted in India in

Question 2.
What is worldwide inter connectedness. What are its components?
This is an era of mutual cooperation. People and countries are mutually connected. People who live in different parts of the world feel that they are not citizens of just their country alone, but they are citizens of the world. This is globalization. In simple words, mutual dependence means the flow of capital, goods and people from one country to another without a lot of restrictions. The factors of worldwide connectedness are ideas, capital, goods and people.

Question 3
What has technology contributed to globalisation?
Technology has considerably influenced globalization. Here are the details:

  • Recently there have been revolutionary changes in the communication media and information technology and this has brought nations together. It has increased the inter connectedness and mutual dependence between countries.
  • With the advancement of technology, people can know whatever is happening in different parts of the world.
  • Because of the modern technology, people, capital, goods and ideas can flow from one place to another easily. This has quickened globalization.
  • Because of technology whatever happens in one country may have repercussions in another country or countries.

Additional Questions And Answer

Question 1.
Match the items in column ‘A’with suitable items in ‘B’ and ‘C’.

Mlchall Gorbachov Earth Summit South Korea
Banki-Moon Control on developed countries Japan
Kyoto Protocol Glasnost Agenda 21
Rlo-Summit UN Secretary General End of the Cold war


Mikhail Gorbachev Glasnost End of Cold War
Ban Ki Moon U.N Secretary General South Korea
Kyoto Protocol Control of Developed Nations Japan
Rio Summit Earth Summit Agenda-21

Question 2.
Re-arrange column B and C to establish a rational relation with column A.

Andhra Pradesh Indira Gandhi ‘Man of Peace’
Lai Bahadur Sastri Sought Asylum Dalai Lama
Gar/bl Hatao First Linguistic state First woman P.M.
M-S. Swamlnathart Jal Jawan Jai Klsan PottI Srlramalu
Tibetan Spiritual leader Green Revolution High yielding


Andhra Pradesh First linguistic- based State Potti Sriramulu
Lai BahadurSastri Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan Man of Peace
Garibi Hatao Indira Gandhi First Woman Prime Minister
M.S. Swaminathan Green Revolution Gives good harvest
Tibet’s Spiritual Leader Requested asylum Dalai Lama


Question 3.
Find the Odd one out from the group
a. Right to vote
b. Right to work
c. Right to contest election
d. Right to hold public office
b. Right to work

Question 4.
Properly arrange the commission and its related sub­jects given below.
a. Shah Commission
b.  Liberhan Commission
c. Fazil Ali Commission
d. Mandal Commission
Related Subjects
a. State reorganisation
b. Backward class
c. Babari masjid demolition
d. Action taken in the wake of emergency
a – d  ; b – c  ; c – a  ; d – b

Question 5.
Match the following.

Total Revoluton Indira Gandhi
Garibi Hatao Jayaprakash Narayan
Mandal commission Fazal Ali
Rapid Industrialisation B.P. Mandal
State Re-organisation commission P.C. Mahalanobis

Total Revolution – Jay Prakash Narayan
GaribiHatao-Indira Gandhi
Mandal Commission – B.P.
Mandal Rapid Industrialization – PC.
Mahalanobis State Reorganization Commission – Fazal Ali

Question 6.
Identify the leader who is associated with the follow­ing slogan
“Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan”
(Indira Gandhi, Lai Bahadur Sasthri, Vajpai)

Question 7.
Match column‘A’with‘B’.

Glasnost andPerestroika E V. Ramaswami Naiker
Open door.policy Ram Manohar Lohia
Non Congressism Medha Patkar
Narmada Bachao Andolan Gorbachov
Dravidian Movement Den Xiaoping

a. Glasnost. Perestroika – iv) Gorbachev
b. Open door policy – v) Den Xiaoping
c. Non Congressism – ii) Ram Manohar Lohia
d. Narmada Bachao Xndolan – iii) Medha Patkar
e. Dravidian Movement-i) E.V. Ramaswami Naiker


Question 8.
Who among the following was the President of India at the time of national emergency (1975)?
a) V.V. Giri
b) Dr. Zakheer Hussain
c) FakhrudheenAliAhammed
d) N. Sanjeeva Reddy
c) Fakhrudheen Ali Ahammed

Question 9.
Find out the country which does not go with others. Nepal, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka

Question 10.
Find out the neighbour that is having permanent membership in the security council.

Question 11.
Identify the movement in which Mayilamma is associated.
The Anti Coco-Cola Protest at Plachimada

Question 12.
Identify the names of persons related to the following statements
1) The leader who sacrificed his life for the creation of separate State of Andhra Pradesh.
2) The founding president of Congress Socialist Party
3) The first Chief Election Commissioner of India
4) Architect of second five year plan
Hints :
a) P.C Mahalanobis
b) Sukumar Sen
c) Potti Sriramulu
d) Acharya Narendra Dev.
1- c
2 – d
3 – b
4 – a

Question 13.
Find the odd one out.
Britain, France, USA, China, Germany


Question 14.
Complete the following table with the names of leaders engaged in the important agreements between India and Pakistan,

Agreement India Pakistan
Simla Agreement
Thashkent Agreement


Agreement India Pakistan
Simla Agreement Indira Gandhi Z.A. Bhutto
Tashkent Agreement Lai Bahadur Sastri Ayub Khan

Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers


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