Reviewing Std 6 Basic Science Notes Pdf English Medium and Kerala Syllabus Class 6 Basic Science Chapter 10 For Shape and Strength Notes Question Answer SCERT Solutions Pdf can uncover gaps in understanding.
Basic Science Class 6 Chapter 10 For Shape and Strength Question Answer Notes
Basic Science Class 6 Chapter 10 Question Answer Notes For Shape and Strength
For Shape and Strength Class 6 Notes Questions and Answers
Let Us Assess
Question 1.
List out the characteristics of exoskeleton and endoskeleton.
Exoskeleton | Endoskeleton |
1) It is present outside the boy of an organism | 1) It is present inside the body of an organism |
2) Protects from enemies | 2) Protects internal organs |
3) Provides shape and strength | 3) Provides shape and strength |
Question 2
Complete the concept map.
Question 1.
Why can’t fox eat the tortoise?
A tortoise have a hardshell. So fox can’t eat tortoise.
Question 2.
Name the organisms that possess outer shells?
Tortoise, crabs, snails, oysters, beetle
Question 3.
How do hard shells help animals?
Shell protects the body and internal organs of organisms. It also help them to escape from its enemies. Shells provide shape.
Question 4.
What is a shell?
A shell is a hard, rigid outer layer of different animals.
Question 5.
What is a shell made of?
Shells are made of calcium carbonate.
Question 6.
Name the organisms with hard shells?
snail, beetle, crab, oyster.
Question 7.
Are the outershells of all organisms the same?
Question 8.
What do you mean by exoskeleton?
The coverings in the outer surface of the body are called oxoskeletons.
Question 9.
How do the exoskeleton of centipede and millipede differ from others?
The shells of centipede and millipede are comparatively less hard.
Question 10.
What are the remnants of the exoskeleton?
Scales of fishes and reptiles, feathers of birds, hair, horns, hooves and nails of animals.
Question 11.
What is the relation between the exoskeletons of animals and their shapes?
Exoskeletons are coverings in the outer surface of the body. Exoskeletons provide shape to the body. The beautiful patterns and colours in the exoskeletons make many organism very attractive.
Question 12.
The beautiful patterns and colours in the exoskeletons of many organisms becomes threat to their existence. Why?
For shape and strength
Due to their attractiveness man captures these organisms without any concern for them. So many of such organisms are facing the threat of extinction.
Question 13.
Name the organisms which are facing the threat of extinction due to their attractiveness?
Star tortoise, golden beetle.
Question 14.
Star Tortoise and Golden Beetle are facing the threat of extinction. Why?
They have beautiful patterns and colours in their exoskeletons make them very attractive. So man captures these organisms without any concern for them. So they are facing the threat of extinction.
To give shape
Question 1.
Cockroach and lizard are two small creatures always found in our home. Are their skeletons alike?
Question 2.
Is the skeleton of lizard is inside or outside the body?
Let us familiarise ourselves with skeletons
Question 1.
What do you mean by endoskeleton?
The skeleton is seen inside the body is called endoskeleton.
Question 2.
Name the animals with endoskeleton?
Lizard, cow, goat
Question 3.
Name the animals possess both endoskeleton and exoskeleton?
Tortoise, crocodile
Question 4.
How do skeletons help animals?
Bones provide shape and strength to the body. They help in movement.
Question 5.
What will happen if there is no skeleton?
- There would be no structures or shape to the body
- Would not be able to walk and run.
Question 6.
Why do animals need a skeleton?
Skeleton is a supportive framework for the body of an animal. Skeletons provide protection and support while allowing for move-ment and growth.
Human skeleton
Human skeleton is the internal framework of the human body. An adult have 206 bones.
Question 1.
Write down the name of bones of various parts of the human body?
Skull, Ribs, bones of hand, vertebral coloumn, bones of leg, waist (hip) chest bone.
Question 2.
Write down the characteristics and functions of skull and Ribs?
Skull consist of 22 bones. In the skull the lower jawbone alone is movable. Skull pro-tects the brain.
Ribs: There are 12 pairs of ribs. Ribs cover and protect the lungs and the heart.
Question 3.
Which bone is the strongest bone in the body?
Question 4.
The movable bone in the skull is ……….?
Question 5.
Complete the below given table.
Question 6.
The largest bone in the human body is ?
Thigh bone
Question 7.
Which is the smallest bone in the human body?
Question 8.
In which part of the body the smallest bone can be seen?
In the ear
Question 9.
Two wheeler riders have to wear helmets. Why?
Helmets are designed to prevent injuries to head. Helmet is effective in reducing head injuries. Wearing helmet helps to reduce the impact of an accident on head.
Question 10.
How does helmet protect our head?
If the head is hit the materials in helmet will help to dissipate the force and energy of the impact, which reduces the force applied to the skull.
Proper postures of the body
Question 1.
Why is it important to sit, stand and lie with right postures?
Proper postures are to be maintained for the health and longevity of the vertebral coloumn.
Question 2.
Why is it important to keep the vertebral coloumn straight in every instance?
It is necessary to keep the vertebral column straight in every instance. Bending of the vertebral coloumn will adversely affect its health. This may also bring about backpain.
Question 3.
Which posture has to be maintained while lifting a weight?
Keep the back straight. Bend at the hip and still maintain a straight back. That means keep our vertebral coloumn straight while lifting a weight.
Question 4.
Which posture has to be maintained while sitting in the class room.
Maintain a straight back with shoulders back opening chest.
Question 5.
The number of bones in the body at the time ofbirth?
300 bones
Question 6.
At the time of birth 300 bones are present in the body. But adulthood the number reduces to 206. Why?
At adulthood certain bones fuse together and the number of bones reduces to 206.
Question 7.
Write down the number of bones of the following skull, ribs, vertebral coloumn, leg, hand, waist.
Skull – 22 vertebral coloumn -33
Each hand – 32 ribs – 24
each leg – 30 waist – 2
Question 8.
How many bones are present in chest bone?
Question 9.
What are cartilages?
Soft bones are called cartilages. They are more in number in children.
Question 10.
The bones present in nose and ears are called ………..?
For movement and locomotion
Question 1.
Complete the below given table.
Body part motion | Movement/characteristic |
a) Palm | Can move up and down |
b) Elbow | Can move upward |
c) Knee | Can move/bend backward |
d) Neck | Can move both sides /directions |
e) Wrist | Can move in all sides /directions |
Question 2.
Body parts are given below. Answer the following.
Elbow, Knee, Palm, Neck, Wrist
a) Which part can be moved in both directions?
b) Which parts can be moved in many directions?
c) Which of these can be moved only in one direction?
a) Neck
b) Wrist
c) Knee and elbow
Question 3.
What are joints?
Joint is the part of the body where two or more bones joined to allow movements.
Question 4.
What are the functions of joint?
Joints connect bones together. Joints help us in various movements and actions.
Question 5.
What are the different types of joints?
There are mainly three types of joints. They are Ball and socket joint, hinge joint and pivot joint.
Question 6.
What do you mean by Ball and socket joint? Give examples?
A joint in which the rounder surface of a bone moves within a depression on another bone, eg: shoulder joint, hip joint.
Question 7.
Shoulder joint is a …………. joint?
Ball and socket joint
Question 8.
What are the characteristics of ball and socket joint?
Freely movable.
The ball of one bone rotates in the socket of another bone.
Question 9.
What is Hinge joint?
Hinge joints allow the movement of certain part of the body in one direction.
Question 10.
Write hinge joints of human body?
Elbow, knee
Question 11.
What are the characteristics of hinge joint?
Like a hinge, can be moved only in one direction.
Question 12.
What do you mean by pivot joint?
It is a freely movable joint that allows rotating movement around a single axis.
Question 13.
Neck is a …….. joint?
Pivot joint
Question 14.
Write the characteristics of pivot joint?
A bone turns in opposite directions at an axis in the same plane.
Question 15.
Some joints of human body are green below. Classify them into ball and socket joint, hinge joint and pivot joint.
Shoulder joint, neck, elbow, hip joint, knee
Ball and socket joint: Shoulder joint, hip joint
Hinge joint: Elbow, knee
Pivot joint: Neck
Question 16.
Write an example for hinge joint?
Let us construct models
Question 1.
What are the materials required to construct a model of hinge joint?
Two flat wooden pieces and a hinge
Question 2.
What would have been our difficulties if there were no joints in the human body?
- Don’t be able to bend and stretch.
- Unable to move.
- Our body have a collection of disconnected bones.
Question 3.
If the neck bones are immovable. What happens?
If the neck bones are immovable We can’t walk. We can’t look at the person behind us, difficult to read and difficult to do all activities.
Let’s protect the bones
Question 1.
What is bone fracture?
Some impact can cause the breaking of bones or appearance of fissues in the bones. Break-ing of bone is called fractures.
Question 2.
What is dislocation of bone?
Sometimes the position of the bones is changed. This is called dislocation of bone.
Question 3.
When do the bones get fractured?
A bone is fractured when more force is ap¬plied to the bone than the bone can take. Bone fractures can be caused by falls, injury or as a result of direct hit or kick to the body.
Question 4.
How do one can know that the bone get fractured?
Bone fractures can be identified by
- Pain in the injured part.
- Difficulty in moving the injured part.
- Swelling of the affected part.
- A slight bending at the sight of injury.
- Structural change with respect to a similar bone.
Question 5.
Binu while playing with his friends suddenly falls down. He feels intense pain in his hand. He feared that his hand get fractured. Help Binu to identify. What are the symptoms of bone fracture.
Pain in the injured part. Difficulty in moving the injured part. Swelling of the affected part. A slight bending at the site of injury. Structural change with respect to a similar bone.
When a bone is fractured
Question 1.
What all things are to be taken care of before taking a person with bone fracture to a hospital?
The broken parts should not be moved. Tying splints will be helpful.
Question 2.
Why our bones are hard?
Hardness of bones is due to the presence of calcium phosphate.
Question 3.
Name the food items which contains calcium in rich?
Vegetables like ash gourd, snake gourd, fruits like guava, jumbu, egg, milk and small fishes.
Question 4.
The bones of infants are not very hard. Why?
Hardness of bones is due to the presence of calcium phosphate. In infants the deposition of calcium phosphate is less therefore their bones are not very hard.
Question 5.
Which minerals are essential for the growth ofbones?
Calcium and phosphorous.
Question 6.
Why does the weakening of bones occured in adults?
In adults calcium required by the body is absorbes from the bones. This causes weakening of bones.
Question 7.
How to avoid weakening of bones in adults?
Weakening of bones can be avoided by eating food rich in calcium. Ash gourd, snake gourd, guava, jambu, egg, milk and small fishes are rich in calcium.
Question 1.
What is splint?
Splint is a strong support made of wood, plastic or metal.
Question 2.
How splint helps to block the movement of broken part?
Tying the broken part of bone using a splint helps to block its movement.
Question 3.
Write down first aid for bone fracture?
Cool the affected area by applying an ice pack or ice cubes wrapped in a clean cloth. Help the patient get into a comfortable position. Encourage them to rest. Broken parts should not be moved.
Question 4.
What are the first aid for dislocation of bones?
Don’t try to move a dislocated joint. Put ice on the injured joint. This, helps to reduce swelling.
Question 5.
Write down the difference between endoskeleton and exoskeleton?
Endoskeleton | Exoskeleton |
1) It refers to the external skeleton | 1) It refers to the to external skeleton |
2) Present in vertebrates | 2) Present in arthropods |
3) Provides support and protection to the internal organs of body | 3) Provides protection to the body from outside. |
eg: Humans, horse, dog | eg: crabs, shell fish, oyster |
Question 6.
What are vertebrates?
Vertebrates are animals have a spine. That means they have backbone.
Question 7.
What do you mean by invertibrates?
Invertebrates are a group of animals with no backbone.
Question 8.
Give examples for vertebrate animals?
Human, birds, fish
Question 9.
Give examples for invertebrate animals?
insects, spiders, worms
Question 10.
What are the precautions taken to avoid bone fracture?
Follow a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. Maintain adequate daily intake of protein. Monitor sodium intake, get plenty of water. Careful while playing and walking.
Question 11.
Endoskeleton is also known as ………..?
Inemal skeleton
Question 12.
What is the difference between the skeletons of a cockroach and lizard?
cockroach have exoskeleton and lizard possess endoskeleton.
Question 13.
Exoskeleton is also known as …………..?
External skeleton
Question 14.
What are the similarities of endoskeleton and exoskeleton.
Both skeleton provide structural support. Both exoskeleton and endoskeleton let animals move about and protect their internal organs.
Question 15.
The injury in the vertebral coloumn causes lifelong …………..?
Question 16.
What happens when vertebral coloumn injured?
Lifelong paralysis.
Question 17.
Which bone protect lungs and heart?
For Shape and Strength Class 6 Notes
A bone is a rigid organ that constitutes part of the skeleton in most vertebrate animals. Bones protect the various organs of the body, produce red and white blood cells, store minerals, pro¬vide structure and support for the body and enable mobility. Some animals have a hard part that present outside the body which protect soft tis¬sues and muscles is called exoskeleton. Grasshoppers, cockroaches, ants, bees scorpions, shrimp, snils, crab are all examples of animals with exoskeleton. Whereas the endoskeleton of an animal is present inside the body, which is also known as internal skeleton. Horses, humans, dogs, shark, cat, cow are all examples of animals with endoskeleton.
Support and protection are required for all animals including vertbrates and invertebrates. Such support and protection can be offered by skeleton. The bones of human body come in a variety of sizes and shapes. An infant possess 300 bones. By adulthood certain bones fuse together and the number reduces to 206. Skull, ribs, ver¬tebral coloumn and other bones differ in their size and shape. Skull protects our brain. Vertebral coloumn keeps the body erect. Ribs cover and protect lungs and the heart.
Joints connect bones together and help us in various movement and actions. There are differ¬ent types of joints. Ball and socket joints, Hinge joints and pivot joints. Strong impact on bones can cause the breaking of bones or appearence of fissures in the bones. Breaking of bones is called fractures. Sometimes the position of the bones is changed. This is called dislocation of bones. Hardness of bone is due the presence of calcium phosphate. Calcium and phosphorous are essential for the growh of bones. Vegetables like ashgourd, snake gourd, fruits like guava, jambu, egg, milk and small fishes are rich in calcium. This chapter help the children to understand different bones in the body and their func-tions.